Chapter 84
Dhritarashtra said, “Many and wonderful, O Sanjaya, were the singlecombats I hear thee speak of between the Pandavas and my warriors.
Dhritarashtra said, “Many and wonderful, O Sanjaya, were the singlecombats I hear thee speak of between the Pandavas and my warriors.
“Janamejaya said, ‘Tell me. O learned Brahmana, what that wonderful featwas which the great Rishi Vyasa of high energy accomplished after hispromise to the old king, made when
“Meanwhile the great ascetic Jaratkaru wandered over the whole earthmaking the place where evening fell his home for the night. And giftedwith ascetic power, he roamed, practising various vows difficult to bepractised by the immature, and bathing also in various sacred waters.
Vaisampayana said, “One day, having previously ascertained that thePandavas were all seated at their ease and that Krishna was reposingherself after her meal, the sage Durvasa, surrounded by ten thousanddisciples repaired to that forest.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Tell me, O Sanjaya, the distinctive indications ofthe cars of all those who, excited with wrath and headed by Bhimasena,had proceeded against Drona.’
Vaisampayana said, ‘Having bowed unto Hrishikesa, and saluted Bhishma,and taken the permission of all the seniors assembled there, Yudhishthirabegan to put questions unto Bhishma.’
“Vyasa said, ‘If Emancipation be desirable, then knowledge should beacquired. For a person who is borne now up and now down along the streamof Time or life, knowledge is the raft by which he can reach the shore.
Sanjaya said, “Then when the sun attained the meridian, kingYudhishthira, beholding Srutayush, urged on his steeds. And the kingrushed at Srutayush, that chastiser of foes, striking him with ninestraight shafts of keen points.
“Kunti said, ‘O holy one, thou art my father-in-law and therefore, mydeity of deities. Verily, thou art my god of gods. Hear my words oftruth.
“Sauti said. ‘Jaratkaru, hearing all this, became excessively dejected.And from sorrow he spoke unto those Pitris in words obstructed by tears.’And Jaratkaru said, ‘Ye are even my fathers and grand-fathers gonebefore. Therefore, tell me what I must do for your welfare. I am thatsinful son of yours, Jaratkaru! Punish me for my sinful deeds, a wretchthat I am.’