Chapter 70
“Sanjaya said, ‘When that terrible day, so fraught with the slaughter ofcreatures, departed, and when the sun set, the beautiful twilight of theevening spread itself.
“Sanjaya said, ‘When that terrible day, so fraught with the slaughter ofcreatures, departed, and when the sun set, the beautiful twilight of theevening spread itself.
“Yudhishthira said,–O mighty-armed one, after thou hadst gone towardsthe army of the Samsaptakas, the preceptor Drona made fierce endeavoursfor seizing me.
“Sanjaya said, ‘When the spies (of Duryodhana), having heard that louduproar made by the Pandavas desirous of victory, informed (their mastersof the cause),
“Sanjaya said, ‘After Partha had vowed the death of the ruler of theSindhus, the mighty-armed Vasudeva addressed Dhananjaya and said,–Withthe consent of thy brothers (alone, but without consulting me), thou hastsworn, saying–
“Arjuna said, ‘These six car-warriors of the Dhritarashtra army whom thouregardest to be so strong their (united) energy, I think is not equal toeven half of mine!
“Sanjaya said, ‘Both Vasudeva and Dhananjaya, afflicted with sorrow andgrief and frequently sighing like two snakes, got no sleep that night
“Sanjaya said, ‘Hearing these words of the high-souled Kesava, Subhadra,afflicted with grief on account of the death of her son, began to indulgein these piteous lamentations:
“Sanjaya said, ‘Then lord Kesava, of eyes like lotus-petals, havingentered the unrivalled mansion of Arjuna, touched water, and spread (forArjuna) on the auspicious and even floor an excellent bed of Kusa bladesthat were of the hue of the lapis lazuli.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Kunti’s son, Dhananjaya, of inconceivable prowessthinking of how to accomplish his vow, recollected the mantras (given tohim by Vyasa).
“Sanjaya said, ‘Then Partha, with a cheerful soul and joined hands andeyes expanded (in wonder), gazed at the god having the bull for his markand who was the receptacle of every energy.