HomePosts Tagged "DRONA PARVA" (Page 14)

“Dhritarashtra said, A mere child in years, brought up in great luxury,proud of the strength of his arms, accomplished in battle, endued withgreat heroism, the perpetuator of his race, and prepared to lay down hislife–when Abhimanyu penetrated into the Katirava army, borne on histhree-years old steeds of spirited mettle, was there any of greatwarriors, in Yudhishthira’s army, that followed the son of Arjuna?’

“Dhritarashtra said, ‘While the youthful and invincible son of Subhadra,never retreating from battle, was, after penetrating into our array,engaged in achieving feats worthy of his lineage, borne by his three-yearold steeds of great might and of the best breed, and apparently trottingin the welkin, what heroes of my army encompassed him?’