Chapter 60
“Narada said, ‘Mandhatri’ the son of Yuvanaswa, O Srinjaya, we hear, fella prey to death. That king vanquished the gods, the Asuras and men.
“Narada said, ‘Mandhatri’ the son of Yuvanaswa, O Srinjaya, we hear, fella prey to death. That king vanquished the gods, the Asuras and men.
“Narada said, ‘Nabhaga’s son, Amvarisha, O Srinjaya, we hear, fell a preyto death. Alone he battled a thousand times with a thousand kings.Desirous of victory, those foes, accomplished in weapons, rushed againsthim in battle from all sides, uttering fierce exclamations.
“Narada said, ‘King Sasavindu, O Srinjaya, we hear, fell a prey to death.Of great beauty and of prowess incapable of being baffled, he performeddiverse sacrifices.
“Narada said, ‘Gaya, the son of Amartarayas, O Srinjaya, we hear, fell aprey to death, That king, for a hundred years, ate nothing but whatremained of the libations of clarified butter poured into the sacrificialfire.
“Narada said, ‘Rantideva, the son of Srinjaya, we hear, fell a prey todeath. That high-souled king had two hundred thousand cooks to distributeexcellent food, raw and cooked, like unto Amrita, unto the
“Narada said, ‘Dushmanta’s son, Bharata, O Srinjaya, we hear, fell a preyto death. While only a child (living) in the forest, he achieved featsincapable of being achieved by others.
“Narada said, ‘Vena’s son, king Prithu, O Srinjaya, we hear, fell a preyto death, In the Rajasuya sacrifice he performed, the great Rishisinstalled him as Emperor (of the world).
“Narada said, ‘Even the great ascetic Rama, the hero worshipped by allheroes, that son of Jamadagni, of great fame, will die, without beingcontented (with the period of his life).
“Vyasa said, ‘Hearing this sacred history of sixteen kings, capable ofenhancing the period of life (of the listener), king Srinjaya remainedsilent without saying anything.