Chapter 14
“Vaisampayana said, “With such speeches as these, was the royal saintYudhishthira, bereft of his friends, consoled by those sages of greatascetic merits.
“Vaisampayana said, “With such speeches as these, was the royal saintYudhishthira, bereft of his friends, consoled by those sages of greatascetic merits.
Janamejaya said, ‘O the best of regenerate beings, when the Pandavas hadreconquered and pacified their kingdom, what did the two warriors,Vasudeva and Dhananjaya do?
“Janamejaya said, “When the high-souled Kesava and Arjuna after slayingtheir enemies repaired to the assembly rooms, what conversation, Oregenerate one, took place between them?’
“Vasudeva said, touching the feet of that sage, the Brahmana asked himsome questions that were exceedingly difficult to answer. That foremostof all righteous persons then discoursed on those duties that werereferred to.
“–The Brahmana said, ‘The acts, good and bad, that a Jiva does are notsubject to destruction. Upon attainment of body after body, those actsproduce fruits corresponding with them.
“–The Brahmana said, ‘He who becomes absorbed in the one receptacle (ofall things), freeing himself from even the thought of his own identitywith all things,–indeed, ceasing to think of even his ownexistence,–gradually casting off one after another, will succeed incrossing his bonds.
“Vasudeva said, ‘In this connection is cited the ancient narrative, O sonof Pritha, of the discourse that took place between a married couple.
“The Brahmana said, ‘In this connection is cited the following ancientstory. Do thou understand, of what kind the institution is of the tenHotris (sacrificing priests).
“The Brahmana said, ‘In this connection is cited the ancient story, Oblessed one, of what the institution is of the seven sacrificing priests.
“The Brahmana said, ‘In this connection, O blessed lady, is cited theancient story of what kind the institution is of the five sacrificingpriests. The learned know this to be a great principle that Prana andApana and Udana and Samana and Vyana are the five sacrificing priests.'”