Chapter 29
Yudhishthira said, ‘Anger is the slayer of men and is again theirprosperor. Know this, O thou possessed of great wisdom, that anger is theroot of all prosperity and all adversity.
Yudhishthira said, ‘Anger is the slayer of men and is again theirprosperor. Know this, O thou possessed of great wisdom, that anger is theroot of all prosperity and all adversity.
“Draupadi continued, ‘On this subject, the ancient story of theconversation between Prahlada and Vali, the son of Virochana, is quotedas an example.
Vaisampayana said, “Exiled to the woods the sons of Pritha with Krishnaseated in the evening, conversed with one another afflicted with sorrowand grief.
Vaisampayana said, “While the illustrious son of Pandu continued to dwellin the Dwaita woods, that great forest became filled with Brahmanas. Andthe lake within that forest, ever resounding with Vedic recitations,became sacred like a second region of Brahma.
Vaisampayana said, “Having fallen into distress, those princes thusobtained at last a pleasant habitation in that forest. And there in thosewoods abounding with Sala trees and washed by the Saraswati, they whowere like so many Indras, began to sport themselves.
“Vrihadaswa continued, ‘O Bharata, Nala pledged his word to thecelestials saying, ‘I will do it.’ And then approaching these, he askedwith folded hands.
Vaisampayana said, “After they had departed, Yudhishthira the virtuousson of Kunti, unwavering in his promises, addressed all his brothers,saying, ‘We shall have to dwell in the solitary forest for these twelveyears.
Vaisampayana continued, “After the chief of the Dasharhas had departed,the heroic Yudhishthira, and Bhima, and Arjuna, and the twins, eachlooking like unto Shiva, and Krishna, and their priest, ascending costlycars unto which were yoked excellent steeds, together went into theforest.
“Vasudeva continued, ‘Then O thou foremost of the Bharata race, taking upmy beautiful bow, I began to cut off with my arrows the heads of theenemies of the celestials, from off that car of costly metals!
Janamejaya said, “When the high-souled Partha went to Indra’s region forobtaining weapons, what did Yudhishthira and the other sons of Pandu do?”