Chapter 175
Janamejaya said, “When that prime among heroes, having been accomplishedin arms, had returned from the abode of the slayer of Vritra, what didPritha’s sons do in company with the warlike Dhananjaya?”
Janamejaya said, “When that prime among heroes, having been accomplishedin arms, had returned from the abode of the slayer of Vritra, what didPritha’s sons do in company with the warlike Dhananjaya?”
Vaisampayana continued, “And when the night had passed, Yudhishthira thejust, arose and together with his brothers, performed the necessaryduties.
“Arjuna continued, ‘Then firmly confident, the sovereign of thecelestials considering as his own, pertinently said these words unto mewounded by cleaving shafts, ‘All the celestial weapons,
“Arjuna continued, ‘Then while returning, I happened to descry a mightyunearthly city, moving at will, and having the effulgence of fire or thesun.
“Arjuna continued, ‘Remaining invisible the Daityas began to fight withthe help of illusion. And I too fought with them, resorting to the energyof visible weapons.
“Arjuna said, ‘Then with rocks of the proportions of trees, therecommenced a mighty shower of crags; and this exercised me exceedingly.
“Arjuna continued, ‘Then, O Bharata, vehemently rushed at me in battle ina body the Nivata-Kavachas, equipped with arms.
“Arjuna continued, ‘Then at places eulogised by the Maharshis, I(proceeded, and at length) beheld the ocean–that inexhaustible lord ofwaters. And like unto flowing cliffs were seen on it heaving billows, nowmeeting together and now rolling away.
“Arjuna said, ‘O Bharata, by the grace of that god of gods the SupremeSoul, Tryamvaka, I passed the night at that place. And having passed thenight, when I had finished the morning rituals, I saw that foremost ofthe Brahmanas whom I had seen before.
Vaisampayana continued, “When Sakra had gone to his proper place,Vibhatsu together with his brothers and Krishna, paid homage unto the sonof Dharma.