Chapter 28

Vaisampayana said,–in the meantime, Bhimasena also endued with greatenergy, having obtained the assent of Yudhishthira the just marchedtowards the eastern direction.
And the tiger among the Bharatas,possessed of great valour and ever increasing the sorrows of his foes,was accompanied by a mighty host with the full complement of elephantsand horses and cars, well-armed and capable of crushing all hostilekingdoms. That tiger among men, the son of Pandu, going first into thegreat country of the Panchalas, began by various means to conciliate thattribe. Then that hero, that bull of the Bharata race, within a shorttime, vanquished the Gandakas and the Videhas. That exalted one thensubjugated the Dasarnas. There in the country of the Dasarnas, the kingcalled Sudharman with his bare arms fought a fierce battle withBhimasena. And Bhimasena, beholding that feat of the illustrious king,appointed the mighty Sudharman as the first in command of his forces.Then Bhima of terrible prowess marched towards the east, causing theearth itself to tremble with the tread of the mighty host that followedhim. Then that hero who in strength was the foremost of all strong mendefeated in battle Rochamana, the king of Aswamedha, at the head of allhis troops. And the son of Kunti, having vanquished that monarch byperforming feats that excelled in fierceness, subjugated the easternregion. Then that prince of the Kuru race, endued with great prowessgoing into the country of Pulinda in the south, brought Sukumara and theking Sumitra under his sway. Then, O Janamejaya, that bull in the Bharatarace, at the command of Yudhishthira the just marched against Sisupala ofgreat energy. The king of Chedi, hearing of the intentions of the son ofPandu, came out of his city. And that chastiser of all foes then receivedthe son of Pritha with respect. Then, O king, those bulls of the Chediand the Kuru lines, thus met together, enquired after each other’swelfare. Then, O monarch, the king of Chedi offered his kingdom untoBhima and said smilingly,–‘O sinless one, upon what art thou bent?’ AndBhima thereupon represented unto him the intentions of king Yudhishthira.And Bhima dwelt there, O king, for thirty nights, duly entertained bySisupala. And after this he set out from Chedi with his troops andvehicles.”