Chapter 49

“The Rishis said,–‘Which among the duties is deemed to be the mostworthy of being performed? The diverse modes of duty, we see, arecontradictory. Some say that (it remains) after the body (is destroyed).Others say that it does not exist. Some say that everything is doubtful.Others have no doubts.[146] Some say that the eternal (principle) is noteternal. Some say that it exists, and some that it exists not. Some sayit is of one form, or two-fold, and others that it is mixed. SomeBrahmanas who are conversant with Brahman and utterers of truth regard itto be one. Others, that it is distinct; and others again that it ismanifold. Some say that both time and space exist; others, that it is notso. Some bear matted locks on their heads and are clad in deer-skins.Others have shaven crowns and go entirely naked. Some are for entireabstention from bathing, and some for bathing. Such differences of viewsmay be seen among deities and Brahmanas conversant with Brahman andendued with perceptions of truth. Some are for taking food; while someare devoted to fasts. Some applaud action; others applaud perfecttranquillity. Some applaud Emancipation; some, various kinds ofenjoyments. Some desire diverse kinds of wealth; some, poverty. Some saythat means should be resorted to; others, that this is not so. Some aredevoted to a life of abstention from harm; others are addicted todestruction. Some are for merit and glory, others say that this is notso. Some are devoted to goodness; others are established on doubt. Someare for pleasure; some are for pain. Other people say that it ismeditation. Other learned Brahmanas say that it is Sacrifice. Others,again, say that it is gift. Others applaud penances; others, the study ofthe scriptures. Some say that knowledge and renunciation (should befollowed). Others who ponder on the elements say that it is Nature. Someextol everything; others, nothing. O foremost one of the deities, dutybeing thus confused and full of contradictions of various kinds, we aredeluded and unable to come to any conclusion. People stand up for acting,saying,–This is good,–This is good–He that is attached to a certainduty applauds that duty as the best. For this reason our understandingbreaks down and our mind is distracted. We therefore, wish, O best of allbeings, to know what is good. It behoves thee to declare to us, afterthis, what is (so) mysterious, and what is the cause of the connectionbetween the Kshetrajna and Nature. Thus addressed by those learnedBrahmanas, the illustrious creator of the worlds, endued with greatintelligence and possessed of a righteous soul, declared to themaccurately what they asked.'”