Chapter 137
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O Bharata, of the two things charity and devotion,do thou condescend to tell me, O sire, which is the better in this world?Do thou, by this, remove a great doubt from my mind.’
“Bhishma said, ‘Do thou, listen to me as I recite the names of theprinces who having been devoted to virtue, and having cleansed theirhearts by penances and practised gifts and other acts of piety,undoubtedly attained to the different celestial regions. The Rishi Atreyarevered by all, attained, O monarch, to the excellent celestial regions,by imparting the knowledge of the unconditional Supreme Being to hispupils. King Sivi, the son of Usinara, by offering the life of his dearson, for the benefit of a Brahmana, was translated from this world toheaven. And Pratardana, the king of Kasi, by giving his son to aBrahmana, secured to himself unique and undying fame in this as well asin the other world. Rantideva, the son of Sankriti, attained to thehighest heaven by duly making gifts to the high-souled Vasishtha.Devavriddha too went to heaven by giving a hundred-ribbed and excellentgolden umbrella to a Brahmana for a sacrifice. The worshipful Amvarishatoo has attained to the region of the gods, by making a gift of all hiskingdom to a Brahmana of great power. King Janamejaya of the solar race,went to the highest heaven by making a gift of ear-rings, fine vehicles,and cows to Brahmanas. The Royal sage Vrishadarbhi went to heaven bymaking gifts of various jewels and beautiful houses to Brahmanas. KingNimi of Vidarva, attained to heaven with his sons, friends and cattle, bygiving his daughter and kingdom to the high-souled Agastya. The far-famedRama, the son of Jamadagni, attained to the eternal regions, far beyondhis expectation, by giving lands to Brahmanas. Vasishtha, the prince ofBrahmanas, preserved all the creatures at a time of great drought whenthe god Parjjanya did not bestow his grateful showers upon the earth, andfor this act he has secured eternal bliss for himself. Rama, the son ofDasaratha, whose fame is very high in this world, attained to the eternalregions by making gifts of wealth at sacrifices. The far-famed royal sageKakshasena, went to heaven by duly making over to the high-souledVasishtha the wealth which he had deposited with him. Marutta, the son ofParikshita and the grandson of Karandhama, by giving his daughter inmarriage to Angiras, immediately went to heaven. The highly devout kingof Panchalal Brahmadatta, attained the blessed way by giving away aprecious conch-shell. King Mitrasaha, by giving his favourite wifeMadayanti to the high-souled Vasishtha, ascended to heaven. Sudyumna, theson of Manu, by causing the proper punishment to be inflicted upon thehigh-souled Likhita, attained to the most blessed regions. The celebratedroyal sage Saharachitta went to the blessed regions, by sacrificing hisdear life for the sake of a Brahmana. The king Satadyumna went to heavenby giving to Maudgaya a golden mansion replete with all the objects ofdesire. In ancient times, king Sumanyu by giving to Sandilya heaps offood looking like a hill, proceeded to heaven. The Salwa prince Dyutimatof great splendour attained to the highest regions by giving his kingdomto Richika. The Royal sage Madiraswa by giving his slender-waisteddaughter to Hiranyahasta went to the region of the gods. The lordlyLomapada attained all the vast objects of his desire by giving hisdaughter Santa in marriage to Rishyasringa. The royal sage Bhagiratha, bygiving his famous daughter Hansi in marriage to Kautsa, went to theeternal regions. King Bhagiratha by giving hundreds and thousands of kinewith their young ones to Kohala attained to the most blessed regions.These and many other men, O Yudhishthira, have attained to heaven, by themerit of their charities and penances and they have also returned fromthence again and again. Their fame will endure as long as the world willlast. I have related to thee, O Yudhishthira, this story of those goodhouseholders who have attained to eternal regions by dint of theircharities and penances. By their charities and by performing sacrificesand by procreating offspring, these people have attained to the heavenlyregions. O foremost scion of Kuru’s race, by always performing acts ofcharity, these men applied their virtuous intellects to the performanceof sacrifices and charities. O mighty prince, as night has approached Ishall explain to thee in the morning whatever doubts may arise in thymind.'”