Chapter 169

“The Brahmana continued, ‘King Drupada (after this), distressed at heart,wandered among many asylums of Brahmanas in search of superior Brahmanaswell-skilled in sacrificial rites. Overwhelmed with grief and eagerlyyearning for children, the king always said, ‘Oh, I have no offspringsurpassing all in accomplishments.’
And the monarch, from greatdespondency, always said ‘Oh, fie on those children that I have and on myrelatives!’ And ever thinking of revenging himself on Drona, the monarchsighed incessantly. And that best of kings, O Bharata, even after muchdeliberation, saw no way of overcoming, by his Kshatriya might, theprowess and discipline and training and accomplishment of Drona.Wandering along the banks of the Yamuna and the Ganga, the monarch oncecame upon a sacred asylum of Brahmanas. There was in that asylum noBrahmana who was not a Snataka, no one who was not of rigid vows, andnone who was not virtuous to a high degree. And the king saw there twoBrahmana sages named Yaja and Upayaja, both of rigid vows and souls undercomplete control and belonging to the most superior order. They were bothdevoted to the study of the ancient institutes and sprung from the raceof Kasyapa. And those best of Brahmanas were well-able to help the kingin the attainment of his object. The king then, with great assiduity andsingleness of purpose, began to court this pair of excellent Brahmanas.Ascertaining the superior accomplishments of the younger of the two theking courted in private Upayaja of rigid vows, by the offer of everydesirable acquisition. Employed in paying homage to the feet of Upayaja,always addressing in sweet words and offering him every object of humandesire, Drupada, after worshipping that Brahmana, addressed him (oneday), saying, ‘O Upayaja, O Brahmana, if thou, performest thosesacrificial rites by (virtue of) which I may obtain a son who may slayDrona, I promise thee ten thousand kine, or whatever else may beagreeable to thee, O first of Brahmanas, truly am I ready to make giftsto thee.’ Thus addressed by the king, the Rishi replied, saying, ‘Icannot (perform such rites).’ But Drupada without accepting this reply asfinal, once more began to serve and pay homage unto that Brahmana. Then,after the expiration of a year, Upayaja, that first of Brahmanas, Omonarch, addressing Drupada in sweet tone, said, ‘My elder brother(Yaja), one day, while wandering through the deep woods, took up a fruitthat had fallen upon a spot the purity of which he cared not to enquireabout. I was following him (at the time) and observed this unworthy actof his. Indeed, he entertains no scruples in accepting things impure. Inaccepting that (particular) fruit he saw not any impropriety of sinfulnature: Indeed, he who observeth not purity (in one instance) is not verylikely to observe it in the other instances. When he lived in the houseof his preceptor, employed in studying the institutes, he always used toeat (impure) remnants of other people’s feasts. He always speaksapprovingly of food and entertains no dislike for anything. Arguing fromthese, I believe that my brother covets earthy acquisitions. Therefore, Oking, go unto him; he will perform spiritual offices for thee.’ Hearingthese words of Upayaja, king Drupada, though entertaining a low opinionof Yaja, nevertheless went to his abode. Worshipping Yaja who was (still)worthy of homage, Drupada said unto him, ‘O master, perform thouspiritual offices for me and I will give thee eighty thousand kine!Enmity with Drona burneth my heart; it behoveth thee therefore to coolthat heart of mine. Foremost of those conversant with the Vedas, Drona isalso skilled in the Brahma weapon and for this, Drona hath overcome me ina contest arising from (impaired) friendship. Gifted with greatintelligence, the son of Bharadwaja is (now) the chief preceptor of theKurus. There is no Kshatriya in this world superior to him. His bow isfull six cubits long and looks formidable, and his shafts are capable ofslaying every living being. That great bowman, the high-souled son ofBharadwaja, habited as a Brahmana, is destroying the Kshatriya power allover the earth. Indeed, he is like a second Jamadagnya intended for theextermination of the Kshatriya race. There is no man on earth who canovercome the terrible force of his weapons. Like a blazing fire fed withclarified butter, Drona, possessed of Brahma might and uniting it withKshatriya might, consumeth every antagonist in battle. But (thy) Brahmaforce is greater in itself than (Drona’s) Brahma force united withKshatriya might. Therefore, as I am inferior (to Drona) in consequence ofmy possession of Kshatriya might alone, I solicit the aid of thy Brahmaforce, having obtained thee so superior to Drona in knowledge of Brahma.O Yaja, perform that sacrifice by means of which I may obtain a soninvincible in battle and capable of slaying Drona. Ready am I to givethee ten thousand kine.’ Hearing these words of Drupada, Yaja said, ‘Sobe it.’ Yaja then began to recollect the various ceremonies appertainingto the particular sacrifice. And knowing the affair to be a very graveone, he asked the assistance of Upayaja who coveted nothing. Then Yajapromised to perform the sacrifice for the destruction of Drona. Then thegreat ascetic Upayaja spoke unto king Drupada of everything required forthe grand sacrifice (by aid of fire) from which the king was to obtainoffspring. And he said, ‘O king, a child shall be born unto thee, endued,as thou desirest, with great prowess, great energy, and great strength.’
“The Brahmana continued, ‘Then king Drupada, impelled by the desire ofobtaining a son who was to slay Drona, began, for the success of hiswish, to make the necessary preparations. (And when everything wascomplete) Yaja, after having poured libations of clarified butter on thesacrificial fire, commanded Drupada’s queen, saying, ‘Come hither, Oqueen, O daughter-in-law of Prishata! A son and a daughter have arrivedfor thee!’ Hearing this, the queen said, ‘O Brahmana, my mouth is yetfilled with saffron and other perfumed things. My body also beareth manysweet scents; I am hardly fit for accepting (the sanctified butter whichis to give me offspring). Wait for me a little, O Yaja! Wait for thathappy consummation.’ Yaja, however, replied, ‘O lady, whether thou comestor waitest, why should not the object of this sacrifice be accomplishedwhen the oblation hath already been prepared by me and sanctified byUpayaja’s invocations?’
“The Brahmana continued, ‘Having said this, Yaja poured the sanctifiedlibation on the fire, whereupon arose from those flames a childresembling a celestial who possessing the effulgence of fire, wasterrible to behold. With a crown on this head and his body encased inexcellent armour, sword in hand, and bearing a bow and arrows, hefrequently sent forth loud roars. And immediately after his birth, heascended an excellent chariot and went about in it for some time. Thenthe Panchalas in great joy shouted, ‘Excellent, Excellent.’ The veryearth seemed at that time unable to bear the weight of the Panchalas madwith joy. Then, marvellous to say, the voice of some invisible spirit inthe skies said, ‘This prince hath been born for the destruction of Drona.He shall dispel all the fears of the Panchalas and spread their fame. Heshall also remove the sorrow of the king.’ And there arose, after thisfrom the centre of the sacrificial platform, a daughter also, calledPanchali, who, blest with great good fortune, was exceedingly handsome.Her eyes were black, and large as lotus-petals, her complexion was dark,and her locks were blue and curly. Her nails were beautifully convex, andbright as burnished copper; her eye-brows were fair, and bosom was deep.Indeed, she resembled the veritable daughter of a celestial born amongmen. Her body gave out fragrance like that of a blue lotus, perceivablefrom a distance of full two miles. Her beauty was such that she had noequal on earth. Like a celestial herself, she could be desired (inmarriage) by a celestial, a Danava, or a: Yaksha. When this girl of fairhips was born an incorporeal voice said, ‘This dark-complexioned girlwill be the first of all women, and she will be the cause of thedestruction of many Kshatriyas. This slender-waisted one will, in time,accomplish the purpose of the gods, and along with her many a danger willovertake the Kauravas.’ On hearing these words, the Panchalas uttered aloud leonine roar, and the earth was unable to bear the weight of thatjoyous concourse. Then beholding the boy and the girl, thedaughter-in-law of Prishata, desiring to have them, approached Yaja andsaid, ‘Let not these know any one else except myself as their mother.’Yaja, desiring to do good unto the king said, ‘So be it!’ Then theBrahmanas (present there), their expectations fully gratified, bestowednames upon the new-born pair, ‘Let this son of king Drupada, they said,be called Dhrishtadyumna, because of his excessive audacity and becauseof his being born like Dyumna with a natural mail and weapon.’ And theyalso said, ‘Because this daughter is so dark in complexion, she should becalled Krishna (the dark).’
“The Brahmana continued, ‘Thus were born those twins of the greatsacrifice of Drupada. And the great Drona, bringing the Panchala princeinto his own abode, taught him all weapons in requital of half thekingdom he had formerly taken from Drupada. The high-souled son ofBharadwaja, regarding destiny to be inevitable, did what would perpetuatehis own great deeds.'”