Chapter 10
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Then clad in a cowherd’s dress, and speaking thedialect of cowherds, Sahadeva came to the cowpen of Virata’s city.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Then clad in a cowherd’s dress, and speaking thedialect of cowherds, Sahadeva came to the cowpen of Virata’s city.
“Yudhishthira said,–‘O thou foremost of eloquent men, as thou hastdescribed the different Sabhas unto me, it appeareth that almost all themonarchs of the earth are to be found in the Sabha of Yama.
एक तालाब था| तालाब बहुत गहरा था| गर्मी में भी उसका पानी नहीं सूखता था| तालाब में रंग-बिरंगी मछलियाँ और मेंढक थे| पास के गाँव के लोग आटे की गोलियाँ बनाकर तालाब में डाला करते थे| तालाब में मछलियाँ और मेंढक बड़ी शांति से रहते थे|
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘What was the aspect of the Kuru and the Srinjayahost on that awful day while it was crushed with arrows and scorched(with weapons) in that encounter between Karna and Arjuna and while itwas flying away from the field?’
किसी वन प्रदेश में वजदंष्ट्र नाम का एक सिंह निवास करता था| चतुरक नाम का श्रृंगाल और कव्यमुख नाम का भेड़िया उसके ये दो सेवक थे|
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Hearing thy words I become stupefied, O grandsire!Reflecting that the earth is now destitute of a very large number ofkings all of whom were possessed of great prosperity, my heart becomesfilled with grief.
“Bhishma said, ‘In this connection is cited the old story that follows.There was among the Angas a king of great splendour, called Vasuhoma.
1 [षुक्र]
यस्माद धर्मात परॊ धर्मॊ विद्यते नेह कश चन
यॊ विशिष्टश च धर्मेभ्यस तं भवान परब्रवीतु मे