Chapter 45
“Yudhishthira said, ‘If a person, after having given dowry for a maiden,goes away, how should the maiden’s father or other kinsmen who arecompetent to bestow her, act? Do tell me this, O grandsire!’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘If a person, after having given dowry for a maiden,goes away, how should the maiden’s father or other kinsmen who arecompetent to bestow her, act? Do tell me this, O grandsire!’
1 [भी]
इत्य उक्तॊ ऽभिप्रशस्यैतत परमर्षेस तु शासनम
मॊक्षधर्मार्थसंयुक्तम इदं परस्तुं परचक्रमे
“Bhishma said, ‘In this connection, persons acquainted with thescriptures declare this text in respect of duty, viz., for a Kshatriyapossessed of intelligence and knowledge, (the earning of) religious meritand (the acquisition of) wealth, constitute his obvious duties.
एक अमीर आदमी विभिन्न मंदिरों में जनकल्याणकारी कार्यो के लिए धन देता था। विभिन्न उत्सवों व त्योहारों पर भी वह दिल खोलकर खर्च करता। शहर के लगभग सभी मंदिर उसके दिए दान से उपकृत थे। इसीलिए लोग उसे काफी इज्जत देते थे।
1 शरीभगवान उवाच
परं भूयः परवक्ष्यामि जञानानां जञानम उत्तमम
यज जञात्वा मुनयः सर्वे परां सिद्धिम इतॊ गताः
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘O holy one, I did not like this business ofgambling, but, O Muni, I think, I was made to consent to it drawn byfate! Neither Bhishma, nor Drona, nor Vidura, nor Gandhari liked thisgame at dice. No doubt, it was begot of folly. And, O thou who delightestin the observance of vows, O illustrious one, knowing everything yetinfluenced by paternal affection, I am unable to cast off my senselessson, Duryodhana!’
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘I see, O sire, that this act of Karna andDuryodhana and Suvala’s son, Sakuni, and of thyself, in especial, hathbeen very much against the dictates of policy.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘And beholding the Sutas slain, the citizens went tothe king, and represented unto him what had happened, saying, ‘O king,those mighty sons of the Sutas have all been slain by the Gandharvas.