Chapter 38
“The Holy One said, ‘I will again declare (to thee) that supernal scienceof sciences, that excellent science, knowing which all the munis haveattained to the highest perfection from (the fetters of) this body.
“The Holy One said, ‘I will again declare (to thee) that supernal scienceof sciences, that excellent science, knowing which all the munis haveattained to the highest perfection from (the fetters of) this body.
1 [ष]
अथैनां रुपिणीं साध्वीम उपातिष्ठद उपश्रुतिः
तां वयॊ रूप्प संपन्नां दृष्ट्वा देवीम उपस्थिताम
Vaisampayana said, “It was, O lord of earth, on the first day of thelighted fortnight during the tenth month of the year that Prithaconceived a son like the lord himself of the stars in the firmament.
बाबू प्रेमनाथ रेलवे के बड़े अधिकारी थे। रेलवे की ओर से उन्हें एक आलीशान बंगला भी मिला हुआ था। बाबू प्रेमनाथ ने वहां कुछ पौधे लगाए। उन्हें बागवानी का शौक था, इसलिए जब भी समय मिलता वे पेड़-पौधों की देखरेख में लग जाते।
Janamejaya said, “O holy one, according to what rites should the learnedlisten to the Bharata? What are the fruits (acquirable by hearing it)?
तुम सागर ठहरे हम गागर ठहरे,हाये प्राण तुम्हीं को ध्याएँ
मोहे झलक दिखादो साँई मोहे झलक दिखादो साँई
“Sanjaya said, ‘Many elephant-warriors riding on their beasts, urged bythy son, proceeded against Dhrishtadyumna, filled with rage and desirousof compassing his destruction.
1 [बराह्मणाह]
करियताम उपहारॊ ऽदय तर्यम्बकस्य महात्मनः
कृत्वॊपहारं नृपते ततः सवार्थे यतामहे