अध्याय 114
1 [स]
ततः कर्णॊ महाराज भीमं विद्ध्वा तरिभिः शरैः
मुमॊच शरवर्षाणि चित्राणि च बहूनि च
1 [जनम]
तस्मिन कृतास्त्रे रथिनां परधाने; परत्यागते भवनाद वृत्र हन्तुः
अतः परं किम अकुर्वन्त पार्थाः; समेत्य शूरेण धनंजयेन
किसी नगर में ब्राह्मणों के चार लड़के रहते थे| वे चारों ही बड़े गरीब थे| उनमें आपस में गहरी मित्रता थी| अपनी गरीबी दूर करने के लिए उन्होंने बहुत-से उपाय किए, लेकिन उनका कष्ट दूर नहीं हुआ| आखिर परेशान होकर उन चारों ने निश्चय किया कि और कहीं जाकर उन्हें धनोपार्जन का प्रयत्न करना चाहिए|
“Sanjaya said, ‘Vrikodara, however, could not brook that slaughter of hisarmy. He struck Valhika with sixty and Karna with ten arrows. Drona then,desirous of slaying Bhima, quickly struck the latter, in his very vitals,many straight and whetted shafts of keen edge.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Having been first broken by Arjuna of immeasurableprowess, and owing also to the failure of Drona’s vow, in consequence ofYudhishthira having been well-protected, thy warriors were regarded asdefeated.
1 Now these are the generations of Aaron and Moses in the day that Jehovah spake with Moses in mount Sinai.
1 [य]
तात धर्मार्थकामानां शरॊतुम इच्छामि निश्चयम
लॊकयात्रा हि कार्त्स्न्येन तरिष्व एतेषु परतिष्ठिता
“Vyasa said, ‘Observant of meritorious vows, the householder, for thesecond period of life, should dwell in his house, having taken spousesaccording to the ways indicated in the ordinance and having establishedafire (of his own).