Home2011June (Page 18)

“Sthanu said, ‘Know, O lord, that my solicitations to thee are on behalfof the created beings of the universe. These beings have been created bythee. Do not be angry with them, O grandsire! By the fire born of thyenergy, O illustrious one, all the created beings are being consumed.Beholding them placed in such a plight, I am penetrated with compassion.Do not be angry with them, O lord of the universe.’

यह मुख्यत: मसालों में प्रयुक्त होती है| अत्यंत गर्म है तथा वायु और कफ को नष्ट करके उनसे उत्पन्न होने वाले अनेक रोगों में भी उपयोगी है| यह मुंह व गले को भी शुद्ध कर देती है| इससे मूत्राशय का शोधन भी हो जाता है|

“Janamejaya said, ‘O worshipful one, I wish to hear from thee in detailabout the birth, among men, of the gods, the Danavas, the Gandharvas, theRakshasas, the lions, the tigers, and the other animals, the snakes, thebirds, and in fact, of all creatures. I wish also to hear about the actsand achievements of those, in due order, after they became incarnate inhuman forms.’