76. Al-Insan (1 to 31)
Has there [not] come upon man a period of time when
he was not a thing [even] mentioned?…
Has there [not] come upon man a period of time when
he was not a thing [even] mentioned?…
Competition in [worldly] increase diverts you, Until you visit the graveyards., No! You are going to know., Then no! You are going to know…
I swear by the Day of Resurrection, And I swear by the reproaching soul [to the certainty of , Does man think that We will not assemble his bones?, Yes. [We are] Able [even] to proportion his fingertips…
Fleeing from a lion?, Rather, every person among them desires that he would, No! But they do not fear the Hereafter., No! Indeed, the Qur’an is a reminder…
Arise and warnO you who covers himself [with a garment], Arise and warn, And your Lord glorify…
कालीमिर्च चरपरी, तीक्ष्ण, रूखी, कुछ गरम, पाक में मधुर, हल्की, शोषक और अग्निवर्द्धक होती है| यह कफ-वात नाशक लेकिन पित्तजनक है| इसके सेवन से श्वास, पेट दर्द, कृमि, हृदय रोग, प्रमेह, बवासीर तथा सिर के रोग नष्ट होते हैं|
O you who wraps himself [in clothing], Arise [to pray] the night, except for a little -, Half of it – or subtract from it a little, Or add to it, and recite the Qur’an with measured recitation…
Say, [O Muhammad], “It has been revealed to me that a
group of the jinn listened and said, ‘Indeed, we have heard …
तात्या साहब नूलकर अपने डॉक्टर मित्र के साथ साईं बाबा के दर्शन करने के लिए शिरडी आये थे| मस्जिद में पहुंचकर उन्होंने बाबा के दर्शन कर उन्हें प्रणाम किया और कुछ देर तक वहीं पर बैठे रहे| कुछ देर बाद बाबा ने उन्हें दादा भट्ट केलकर के पास भेज दिया| तब वह केलकर के घर गये| केलकर ने उनका उत्तम ढंग से स्वागत किया और उनके रहने की भी व्यवस्था की|
Indeed, We sent Noah to his people, [saying], “Warn your
people before there comes to them a painful punishment.”…