Chapter 141
“Karna said, ‘Without doubt, O Kesava, thou hast said these words fromthy love, affection, and friendship for me, as also in consequence of thydesire of doing me good, O thou of Vrishni’s race.
“Karna said, ‘Without doubt, O Kesava, thou hast said these words fromthy love, affection, and friendship for me, as also in consequence of thydesire of doing me good, O thou of Vrishni’s race.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Hearing these words of Karna, Kesava, that slayer ofhostile heroes, spoke unto him these words smilingly, ‘Do not the meansof winning an empire recommend themselves to thee.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Hearing these beneficial and auspicious words of Kesava,Karna worshipped Krishna, the slayer of Madhu, and said these words,’Knowing (everything), why dost thou yet, O thou of mighty arms, seek tobeguile me?
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Upon the failure of Krishna’s solicitations (forpeace), and after he had started for the Pandavas from the Kurus, Kshatriapproached Pritha and said these words slowly in grief,
“Karna said, ‘I am Karna, son of Radha and Adhiratha. For what, O lady,hast thou come here? Tell me what I am to do for thee?’
“Vaisampayana said (After Kunti had said this), Karna heard anaffectionate voice issued out of the solar circle. Coming from a greatdistance, that voice was uttered by Surya himself with paternalaffection.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Coming back to Upaplavya from Hastinapura, thatchastiser of foes, Kesava, represented unto the Pandavas all that hadhappened, and conferring with them for a long space of time, and holdingrepeated consultations, Sauri went to his own quarters for rest.
“Vasudeva said, ‘After Bhishma had said these words, Drona, alwayscompetent to speak, then addressed Duryodhana in the midst of the(assembled) monarchs and said these words that are beneficial to thee.
“Vasudeva said, ‘After Gandhari had said this, that ruler of men,Dhritarashtra, then said these words to Duryodhana in the midst of the(assembled) monarchs, ‘O Duryodhana, listen, O son, to what I say, andblessed be thou; do that if thou hast any respect for thy father.
“Vasudeva said, ‘Though thus addressed by Bhishma, and Drona, and Vidura,and Gandhari, and Dhritarashtra, that wicked wight could not yet bebrought to his senses. On the other hand, the wicked Duryodhana,disregarding them all, rose (and left the assembly) with eyes red inanger.