Chapter 327
“Bhishma said, The next morning, king Janaka, O Bharata, accompanied byhis minister and the whole household, came to Suka, placing his priest inthe van.
“Bhishma said, The next morning, king Janaka, O Bharata, accompanied byhis minister and the whole household, came to Suka, placing his priest inthe van.
“Bhishma said, ‘Having heard these words of king Janaka, Suka of cleansedsoul and settled conclusions began to stay in his Soul by his Soul,having of course seen Self by Self.
“Bhishma said, ‘Hearing these words of their preceptor, Vyasa’s disciplesendued with energy, became filled with joy and embraced one another.
“Bhishma said, ‘After Vyasa had left the spot, Narada, traversing throughthe sky, came to Suka employed in studying the scriptures.
“‘Narada said, When the vicissitudes of happiness and sorrow appear ordisappear, the transitions are incapable of being prevented by eitherwisdom or policy or exertion.
“Bhishma said, Having ascended the summit of the mountain, O Bharata, theson of Vyasa sat down upon a level spot free from blades of grass andretired from the haunts of other creatures.
“Bhishma said, ‘Having spoken in this way (unto all things), theregenerate Rishi of austere penances, viz., Suka, stayed on his successcasting off the four kinds of faults.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘If a man be a house-holder or a Brahmacharin, aforest-recluse or a mendicant, and if he desires to achieve success, whatdeity should he adore?
“Bhishma said, ‘Addressed by Narayana, that foremost of beings, in thesewords, Narada, the foremost of men, then said these words unto Narayanafor the good of the world.
“Bhishma said, ‘Then upon the expiration of the great Kalpa, when thecelestial Purohita Vrihaspati was born in the race of Angiras, all thedeities became very happy.