Chapter 287
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Living creatures always stand in fear of sorrow anddeath. Tell me, O grandsire, how the occurrence of these two may beprevented.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Living creatures always stand in fear of sorrow anddeath. Tell me, O grandsire, how the occurrence of these two may beprevented.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Tell me, O grandsire, what is beneficial for onethat is unconversant with the truths of the scriptures, that is always indoubt, and that abstains from self-restraint and the other practiceshaving for their object the knowledge of the Soul.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘How, O grandsire, should a king like us behave inthis world, keeping in view the great object of acquisition? Whatattributes, again, should he always possess so that he may be freed fromattachments?’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘This curiosity, O sire, is always dwelling in mymind. O grandsire of the Kurus, I desire to hear everything about it fromthee.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O thou of mighty arms, tell me, after this what isbeneficial for us. O grandsire, I am never satiated with thy words whichseem to me like Amrita.
“Parasara said, ‘That man who, having obtained this car, viz., his bodyendued with mind, goes on, curbing with the reins of-knowledge the steedsrepresented by the objects of the senses, should certainly be regarded aspossessed of intelligence.
“Parasara said, ‘Nobody in this world does good to another. Nobody isseen to make gifts to others. All persons are seen to act for their ownselves.
“Parasara said, ‘The lowest order, it is proper, should derive theirsustenance from the three other orders. Such service, rendered withaffection and reverence, makes them righteous.
“Parasara said, ‘In the Brahmana, wealth acquired by acceptance of gifts,in the Kshatriya that won by victory in battle, in the
“Parasara said, ‘I have now discoursed to thee on what the ordinances areof the duties in respect of one that leads the domestic mode of life.