Chapter 269
“Kapila said, ‘Beholding that all the fruits that are attainable by actsare terminable instead of being eternal, Yatis, by adoptingself-restraint and tranquillity, attain to Brahma through the path ofknowledge.
“Kapila said, ‘Beholding that all the fruits that are attainable by actsare terminable instead of being eternal, Yatis, by adoptingself-restraint and tranquillity, attain to Brahma through the path ofknowledge.
“Kapila said, ‘The Vedas are regarded as authoritative by all. Peoplenever disregard them.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘The Vedas, O Bharata, discourse of Religion. Profit,and Pleasure. Tell me, however, O grandsire, the attainment of which(amongst these three) is regarded as superior.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Amongst the diverse kinds of sacrifices, all ofwhich, of course, are regarded to have but one object (viz., thecleansing of the heart or the glory of God), tell me, O grandsire, whatthat sacrifice is which has been ordained for the sake only of virtue andnot for the acquisition of either heaven or wealth!'[1283]
“Yudhishthira said, ‘By what means doth a man become sinful, by what dothhe achieve virtue, by what doth he attain to Renunciation, and by whatdoth he win Emancipation?’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Amongst the diverse kinds of sacrifices, all ofwhich, of course, are regarded to have but one object (viz., thecleansing of the heart or the glory of God), tell me, O grandsire, whatthat sacrifice is which has been ordained for the sake only of virtue andnot for the acquisition of either heaven or wealth!'[1283]
“Yudhishthira said, ‘By what means doth a man become sinful, by what dothhe achieve virtue, by what doth he attain to Renunciation, and by whatdoth he win Emancipation?’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Thou hast said, O grandsire, the Emancipation is tobe won by means and not otherwise. I desire to hear duly what those meansare.’
“Bhishma said, ‘In this connection is cited the old narrative of thediscourse that took place between Narada and Asita-Devala. Once on a timeNarada, beholding that foremost of intelligent men, viz., Devala ofvenerable years, seated at his ease, questioned him about the origin andthe destruction of all creatures.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Cruel and sinful that we are, alas, we have slainbrothers and sires and grandsons and kinsmen and friends and sons. How, Ograndsire, shall we dispel this thirst for wealth. Alas, through thatthirst we have perpetrated many sinful deeds.’