Chapter 208
“Yudhishthira asked, ‘Who were the first Prajapatis, O bull of Bharata’srace? What highly-blessed Rishis are there in existence and on whichpoints of the compass do each of them dwell?’
“Yudhishthira asked, ‘Who were the first Prajapatis, O bull of Bharata’srace? What highly-blessed Rishis are there in existence and on whichpoints of the compass do each of them dwell?’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘How did the son of Srinjaya becomeSuvarnashthivin?[103] Why also did Parvata give Srinjaya that child? Andwhy did he die? When the lives of all men in those days extended for athousand years, why did Srinjaya’s son die in infancy? Or, was he in nameonly Suvarnashthivin? How also did he come to be so? I desire to know allthis.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O grandsire, O thou of great wisdom and invincibleprowess in battle, I wish to hear in detail of Krishna who is immutableand omnipotent. O bull among men, tell me truly everything about hisgreat energy and the great feats achieved by him in days of old. Why didthat puissant one assume the form of an animal, and for achieving whatparticular act? Tell me all this, O mighty warrior!’
Vaisampayana said, “The royal son of Pandu then addressed Narada, saying,’O holy one, I desire to hear of the birth of the child whose excretawere gold.’ Thus addressed by king Yudhishthira the just, the sage Naradabegan to narrate to him all that had occurred in connection with thatchild of golden excreta.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Tell me, O sire, of that high yoga by which, OBharata, I may obtain Emancipation, O foremost of speakers, I desire toknow everything about that yoga truly.’
Vaisampayana said, “Unto king Yudhishthira who still remained speechlessand plunged in grief, the island-born Vyasa, that great ascetic,conversant with truths of religion, spoke again.”
“Bhishma said, ‘All immobile and mobile beings, distributed into fourclasses, have been said to be of unmanifest birth and unmanifest death.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Sons and grandsons and brothers and sires andfathers-in-law and preceptors and maternal uncles and grandsires, manyhigh-souled Kshatriyas, many relatives (by marriage), friends,companions, sister’s sons, and kinsmen, O grandsire, and many foremost ofmen coming from diverse countries, have fallen.
“Bhishma said, ‘Persons engaged in the practice of acts regard thepractice of acts highly. Similarly, those that are devoted to Knowledgedo not regard anything other than Knowledge.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘After doing what acts does a man become liable toperform expiation? And what are those acts which he must do for beingfreed from sin? Tell me this, O grandsire.’