Chapter 10
Bhimasena said, “Thy understanding, O king, has become blind to thetruth, like that of a foolish and unintelligent reciter of the Veda inconsequence of his repeated recitation of those scriptures.
Bhimasena said, “Thy understanding, O king, has become blind to thetruth, like that of a foolish and unintelligent reciter of the Veda inconsequence of his repeated recitation of those scriptures.
“Bhrigu said, ‘Brahman first created a few Brahmanas who came to becalled Prajapatis (lords of creation).
“Arjuna said, ‘In this connection an old history is cited, viz., thediscourse between certain ascetics and Sakra, O bull of Bharata’s race!
“Bharadwaja said, ‘By what acts does one become a Brahmana? By what, aKshatriya? O best of regenerate ones, by what acts again does one becomea Vaisya or a Sudra? Tell me this, O foremost of speakers.’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Hearing these words of Arjuna, O chastiser of foes,Nakula of mighty arms and a broad chest, temperate in speech andpossessed of great wisdom, with face whose colour then resembled that ofcopper, looked at the king, that foremost of all righteous persons, andspoke these words, besieging his brother’s heart (with reason).’
“Bhrigu said, ‘Truth is Brahma; Truth is Penance; it is Truth thatcreates all creatures. It is by Truth that the whole universe is upheld;and it is with the aid of Truth that one goes to heaven.
“Sahadeva said, ‘By casting off all external objects only, O Bharata, onedoes not attain to success. By casting off even mental attachments, theattainment of success is doubtful.
“Bharadwaja said, ‘What has been said to be the consequence of gift? Whatof Righteousness? What of conduct? What of Penances well-performed? Whatof the study and recitation of the Vedas? And what of pouring libationsupon the fire?’
Vaisampayana said, “When Kunti’s son, king Yudhishthira the just,remained speechless after listening to his brothers who were tellingthese truths of the Vedas, that foremost of women, viz.,
“Bhrigu said, ‘Forest recluses seeking the acquisition of virtue go tosacred waters and rivers and springs, and undergo penances in lone andsecluded woods abounding with deer and buffaloes and boars and tigers andwild elephants.