Chapter 5
“Narada said, ‘Hearing of the fame of Karna’s might, the ruler of theMagadhas, king Jarasandha, challenged him to a single combat.
“Narada said, ‘Hearing of the fame of Karna’s might, the ruler of theMagadhas, king Jarasandha, challenged him to a single combat.
“Bharadwaja said, ‘Tell me, O best of Brahmanas, how the puissant Brahmanresiding within Meru, created these diverse kinds of objects.’
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Having said these words, the celestial Rishi Naradabecame silent. The royal sage Yudhishthira, filled with grief, becameplunged in meditation.
“Bharadwaja said, ‘When the high-souled Brahman has created thousands ofcreatures, why is it that only these five elements which he createdfirst, which pervade all the universe and which are great creatures, havecome to have the name of creatures applied to them exclusively?'[554]
Vaisampayana said, “The righteous-souled Yudhishthira, with an agitatedheart and burning with sorrow, began to grieve for that mightycar-warrior Karna.
“Bharadwaja said, ‘How does bodily fire or heat, entering the body,reside there? How also does the wind, obtaining space for itself, causethe body to move and exert itself?’
Vaisampayana said, “Like a person unwilling to forgive an insult, Arjunaof keen speech and prowess, and possessed of energy, betraying greatfierceness and licking the Corners of his mouth, said these words ofgrave import, smiling the while: ‘Oh, how painful, how distressing!
“Bharadwaja said, ‘If it is the wind that keeps us alive, if it is thewind that causes us to move and exert, if it is the wind that causes usto breathe and to speak, then it seems that life is worth little.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘For a little while, O Arjuna, concentrate thyattention and fix thy mind and hearing on thy inner soul. If thoulistenest to my words in such a frame of mind, they will meet with thyapprobation.
“Bhrigu said, ‘There is no destruction of the living creature, or of whatis given, or of our other acts. The creature that dies only goes intoanother form. The body along dissolves away. The living creature, thoughdepending upon the body, does not meet with destruction when the body isdestroyed.