Chapter 17
Sanjaya said,–“Just as the holy Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa had said, inthat very manner the kings of the Earth, mustered together, came to theencounter.
Sanjaya said,–“Just as the holy Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa had said, inthat very manner the kings of the Earth, mustered together, came to theencounter.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After Kripa had thus been taken away, the invincibleDrona of red steeds, taking up his bow to which he had already stringedan arrow, rushed towards Arjuna of white steeds.
Vaisampayana said,–“When the play commenced, all those kings withDhritarashtra at their head took their seats in that assembly.
“Sanjaya said, ‘That chastiser of foes, viz., the son of Radha, thussilencing the ruler of the Madras, once more addressed him, O monarch,saying these words, “In answer to that which,
“Yudhisthira said, ‘O grandsire, O thou of great splendour, what do thosemen become who, through stupefaction of intellect, do not make gifts untoBrahmanas after having promised to make those gifts?
“Bhishma said, ‘Hearing these sweet words, Gautama became filled withwonder. Feeling at the same time a great curiosity, he eyed Rajadharmanwithout being able to withdraw his gaze from him.’
Sanjaya said,–“Soon after, O king, a loud uproar, causing the heart totremble was heard, made by the combatants ready for the fight.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Then, O mighty king, Drona’s son rushed to anencounter with Arjuna in battle. And beholding his rush to the conflictlike a hurricane, showering shafts like a rain charged cloud Pritha’s sonreceived him with a cloud of arrows.
Yudhishthira said,–“Thou hast won this stake of me by unfair means. Butbe not so proud, O Sakuni. Let us play staking thousands upon thousands.I have many beautiful jars each full of a thousand Nishkas in mytreasury, inexhaustible gold, and much silver and other minerals. This, Oking, is the wealth with which I will stake with thee!'”
“Sanjaya said, ‘The high-souled son of Adhiratha, having listenedunconvinced to these words of the ruler of the Madras, addressed Shalya,saying, “That which Vasudeva and Arjuna are is well-known to me.