Chapter 49
“Sanjaya said, ‘Piercing through the Pandava host, Karna, surrounded bythousands of cars and elephants and steeds and foot-soldiers, rushedtowards king Yudhishthira the just.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Piercing through the Pandava host, Karna, surrounded bythousands of cars and elephants and steeds and foot-soldiers, rushedtowards king Yudhishthira the just.
“The blessed Krishna said, ‘Bowing my head with great joy unto that massof energy and effulgence,
“Yudhishthira said, ‘I know what benevolence is, in consequence of myobservation of persons that are good.
“Sanjaya said, ‘O Kauravya, that which is heard about the islands in thenorth, I will recount to thee, O Great king. Listen to me now. (Thitherin the north) is the ocean whose waters are clarified butter.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘After the son of Radha had fled from the field,other warriors headed by Duryodhana, one after another, fell upon the sonof Pandu with their respective divisions.
“Duryodhana said,–‘He that is devoid of intellect but hath merely heardof many things, can scarcely understand the real import of thescriptures, like the spoon that hath no perception of the taste of thesoup it toucheth.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Tell me, O Sanjaya, how Karna, having caused agreat slaughter penetrated into the midst of the Pandava troops, andstruck and afflicted king Yudhishthira.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O son of the River Ganga, thou hast heard all thenames of Maheshwara, the Lord of the universe. Do thou tell us, Ograndsire, all the names that are applied, O puissant one, unto Him whois called Isa and Sambhu.
“Bhishma said, ‘For enabling such pious and impoverished Brahmanas ashave been robbed of their wealth (by thieves), as are engaged in theperformance of sacrifices, as are well conversant with all the
Vaisampayana said,–“Possessing a knowledge of the past, the present andthe future, and seeing all things as if present before his eyes, thelearned son of Gavalgana,