Chapter 16
“Kichaka said, ‘O thou of tresses ending in beautiful curls, thou artwelcome. Surely, the night that is gone hath brought me an auspiciousday, for I have got thee today as the mistress of my house. Do what isagreeable to me.
“Kichaka said, ‘O thou of tresses ending in beautiful curls, thou artwelcome. Surely, the night that is gone hath brought me an auspiciousday, for I have got thee today as the mistress of my house. Do what isagreeable to me.
“Vasudeva said,–‘Arjuna hath indicated what the inclination should be ofone that is born in the Bharata race, especially of one who is the son ofKunti. We know not when death will overtake us, in the night or in theday.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Beholding Vrishasena slain, Karna, filled with grief andrage, shed tears from his eyes for the death of his son. Endued withgreat energy, with eyes red as copper from rage, Karna proceeded in theface of his foe, having summoned Dhananjaya to battle.
“Bhishma said, ‘King Nahusha hearing the pass to which Chyavana wasreduced, quickly proceeded to that spot accompanied by his ministers andpriest.
“The king said, ‘I am a king called by the name of Viradyumna. My famehas spread in all directions. My son Bhuridyumna hath been lost.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Beholding Alayudha of terrible deeds come to battle, allthe Kauravas became filled with delight. Similarly, thy sons havingDuryodhana for their head, (were filled with delight) like raftless mendesirous of crossing the ocean when they meet with a raft.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Thus insulted by the Suta’s son, that illustriousprincess, the beautiful Krishna, eagerly wishing for the destruction ofVirata’s general, went to her quarters.
“Krishna continued,–‘hearing these words of the king, the Rakshasa womananswered–Blessed be thou, O king of kings. Capable of assuming any format will. I am a Rakshasa woman called Jara. I am living, O king, happilyin thy house, worshipped by all.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Beholding the gigantic and roaring Karna, incapable ofbeing resisted by the very gods, advancing like the surging sea, thatbull amongst men, viz., he of Dasharha’s race, addressed Arjuna, saying,
“Yudhishthira said, ‘What is the nature of the compassion or pity that isfelt at the sight of another’s woe?