Chapter 153
“Vaisampayana said, ‘King Yudhishthira then caused his troops to encampon a part of the field that was level, cool, and abounding with grass andfuel.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘King Yudhishthira then caused his troops to encampon a part of the field that was level, cool, and abounding with grass andfuel.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Listen with undivided attention, O king. After the routof that force by the high-souled son of Hridika, and upon the
Vaisampayana said, “One day, the great Rishi Lomasa in course of hiswanderings, went to the abode of Indra, desirous of beholding the lord ofthe celestials.
“The Rishis said, ‘O Rama, this Samantapanchaka is said to be the eternalnorthern altar of Brahman, the Lord of all creatures.
“Indra said, ‘Kshatriya duties, O king, which are possessed of suchenergy, which include in their exercise all other duties, and which arethe foremost of all duties, should be observed by persons that are, likethee, so high-souled and so employed in seeking the good of the world.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Approaching the Kuru grandsire, venerable in years,viz., Bhishma, who was then lying on his bed of arrows, Yudhishthirapossessed of great wisdom put the following question.’
“Janamejaya said, ‘Hearing that Yudhishthira had, with his troops marchedfrom the desire of battle and encamped on Kurukshetra, protected byVasudeva, and aided by Virata and
“Sanjaya said, ‘Shooting clouds of arrows, all those warriors,accomplished in smiting, carefully, O monarch, encountered Yuyudhana.Drona struck him with seven and seventy shafts of great keenness.
Vaisampayana said, ‘Having thus sent away the Gandharva successful in hismission, Urvasi of luminous smiles, moved by the desire of possessingPhalguna, took a bath.
Janamejaya said, “Why, O regenerate one, did that maiden betake herselfto ascetic penances, in days of old? For what reason did she practisepenances, and what was her vow?