Chapter 96
“Bhishma said, ‘A king should never desire to subjugate the earth byunrighteous means, even if such subjugation would make him the sovereignof the whole earth.
“Bhishma said, ‘A king should never desire to subjugate the earth byunrighteous means, even if such subjugation would make him the sovereignof the whole earth.
“Bhishma said, ‘They who make gifts of kine, and who subsist upon theremnants of things offered as libations on the sacred fire, are regarded,O Yudhishthira, as always performing sacrifices of every kind. Nosacrifice can be performed without the aid of curds and ghee.
“Bhishma said, ‘The next day, O bull of Bharata’s race, frightful againwas the combat that wok place between me and Rama when I encountered himonce more.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Hearing the twang, resembling the loud call of Deathhimself or the frightful peal of Indra’s thunder, of Dhananjaya’s bow,while he stretched it, that host of thine,
“Vasudeva continued, ‘O king of kings, Salwa, the lord of Saubha, cametowards our city with an immense force consisting of infantry, cavalryand elephants!
“Sanjaya said, ‘During the progress of that terrible and awful battle,the army of thy son was broken by the Pandavas. Rallying their greatcar-warriors, however, with vigorous efforts, thy sons continued to fightwith the Pandava army.
“Yudhishthira said. ‘There are no practices, O king, more sinful thanthose of the Kshatriyas. In marching or in battle, the king slays largemultitudes.[287] By what acts then does the king win regions of felicity?O bull of Bharata’s race, tell this, O learned one, unto me that desireto know.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘I have heard that the dung of the cow is endued withSree. I desire to hear how this has been brought about. I have doubts, Ograndsire, which thou shouldst dispel.'[381]
“Bhishma said, ‘Next morning, O king, when the sun rose brightly, thecombat between myself and him of Bhrigu’s race, again, commenced.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Tell me, O Sanjaya, what did my warriors do afterthe heroic ruler of the Sindhus had been slain, by Arjuna.’