Chapter 128
“Vayu said, ‘I shall recite some duties the observance of which isfraught with happiness to mankind. Do ye listen also with concentratedattention to certain transgressions with the secret causes upon whichthey depend.
“Vayu said, ‘I shall recite some duties the observance of which isfraught with happiness to mankind. Do ye listen also with concentratedattention to certain transgressions with the secret causes upon whichthey depend.
Kripa said, “A person who is bereft of intelligence and who hath not hispassions under control, cannot, even if he waits dutifully upon hissuperiors, understand all the considerations of morality.
“Kunti said, ‘Say unto Arjuna, these words, when thou wert brought forthin the lying-in room and when I was sitting in the hermitage surroundedby ladies, a celestial and delightful voice was heard in the sky, saying,’O Kunti, this thy son will rival the deity of a thousand eyes.
“Sanjaya said, ‘When the sun turned in his downward course towards thesummit of the Asta hills, when the welkin was covered with dust, when theheat of the solar rays abated, the day began to fade fast.
Vrihadaswa said, “O king, after Nala had gone away, the beauteousDamayanti, now refreshed, timorously awoke in that lonely forest. And Omighty monarch, not finding her lord Naishadha, afflicted with grief andpain, she shrieked aloud in fright, saying, ‘O lord?
“Vibhavasu (otherwise called Surya) said, ‘There are two offerings. Oneof those consists of a palmful of water and the other called Akshataconsists of rice-grains with ghee.
Kripa said, “By good luck, O thou of unfading glory, thy heart is settoday on vengeance. The wielder of the thunder himself will not succeedin dissuading thee today.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘Hearing the words of Kunti, the mighty car-warriors,Bhishma and Drona, then spoke these words unto the disobedientDuryodhana, ‘Hast thou, O tiger among men, heard the fierce words ofgrave import, excellent and consistent with virtue, that Kunti had spokenin the presence of Krishna?
“Sanjaya said, ‘After the high-souled son of Kunti had created thatwater, after he had commenced to hold in cheek the hostile army, andafter he had built also that arrowy hall,
“Nala said, ‘Surely, thy father’s kingdom is as my own. But thither Iwill not, by any means, repair in this extremity. Once I appeared therein glory, increasing thy joy. How can I go there now in misery,augmenting thy grief?’