Chapter 49
“Sanjaya said, ‘That which hath been uttered by thee, O king, withrespect to Duryodhana is all true. Nothing that thou hast said, O lord ofthe earth, is untrue.
“Sanjaya said, ‘That which hath been uttered by thee, O king, withrespect to Duryodhana is all true. Nothing that thou hast said, O lord ofthe earth, is untrue.
Vaishampayana said, “Even thus, O Janamejaya, did that terrible battletake place. King Dhritarashtra, in great sorrow, said these words withreference to it:
“Bhishma said, ‘Drawing the bow-string, destruction of foes, agriculture,trade, tending cattle, and serving others for wealth, these are improperfor a Brahmana.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Thou hast told me, O regenerate one, what the end isof unrighteousness or sin. I desire now to hear, O foremost of speakers,of what the end is of Righteousness.
“Vaisampayana said, ‘When Krishna had said this, all the monarchs therewere filled with joy. And the shout sent forth by those delighted kingswas tremendous.
“Dhritarashtra said, Our army is equally possessed of many excellences.It is equally regarded as superior.
Janamejaya said, “These feats of Pritha’s son endued with immeasurableenergy, were certainly marvellous. O Brahmana, what did Dhritarashtra ofgreat wisdom say, when he heard of them?”
Vaishampayana said, “Having visited Kurukshetra and given away wealththere, he of the Satwata race then proceeded, O Janamejaya, to a largeand exceedingly beautiful hermitage.
“Bhishma said, ‘The duties in respect of all the four modes of life,those of yatis, O son of Pandu, and the customs relating to the conductof men in general, are all included in kingly duties.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O grandsire, O thou that art possessed of greatwisdom and conversant with all the scriptures. I desire to know thoseexcellent ordinances in consequence of which mortal creatures have totravel through their rounds of rebirth.