Chapter 42
Janamejaya said, “Why is the current of (the tirtha known by the name of)Vasishthapavaha so rapid? For what reason did the foremost of rivers bearaway Vasishtha?
Janamejaya said, “Why is the current of (the tirtha known by the name of)Vasishthapavaha so rapid? For what reason did the foremost of rivers bearaway Vasishtha?
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O grandsire, amongst Brahmanas some are engaged inthe duties proper to their order, while others are engaged in otherduties. Tell me the difference between these two classes!’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘I have, O chief of the Bharatas, heard what themerits are that are won by presenters of flowers and incense and lights.I have heard thee speak also of the merits that attach to a dueobservance of the ordinances in respect of the presentation of the Vali.
‘Sanjaya said, ‘Having listened to Uluka’s words, Yudhishthira, the sonof Kunti, moved his army headed by Dhrishtadyumna and others.
“Bhima said, That car which formerly bore Brahma and Isana and Indra andVaruna (to battle), mounting upon that car, have two Krishnas gone. Theycan have no fear of danger, Taking, however, thy command on MY head, lo,I am going. Do not grieve. Meeting with those tigers among men, I shallsend thee intelligence.’
Bhima said, ‘O king, unsubstantial as thou art like froth, unstable likea fruit (falling when ripe), dependent on time, and mortal, havingentered into an agreement in respect of time, which is infinite andimmeasurable, quick like a shaft or flowing like a stream, and carryingeverything before it like death itself, how canst regard it as availableby thee?
Vaishampayana said, “The delighter of the Yadus then proceeded to theasylum (of Vaka) which resounded with the chanting of the Vedas.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Of whose wealth, O bull of Bharata’s race, is theking regarded to be the lord? And what conduct also should the kingadopt? Discourse to me on this, O grandsire.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Of what kind is the gift of light, O chief ofBharata’s race? How did this gift originate? What are the merits thatattach to it? Do thou tell me all this.’
“Dhritarashtra said, After Falguni had vowed the slaughter of Bhishma inbattle, what did my wicked sons headed by Duryodhana do?