Chapter 35
“‘Duryodhana said, “Even thus did that illustrious Deity, that Grandsireof all the worlds, viz., Brahman, act as driver on that occasion and eventhus did Rudra become the warrior.
“‘Duryodhana said, “Even thus did that illustrious Deity, that Grandsireof all the worlds, viz., Brahman, act as driver on that occasion and eventhus did Rudra become the warrior.
“‘Duryodhana said, “After the fears of those throngs of the pitris, thegods, and the Rishis had thus been dispelled by that high-souled Deity,Brahman then offered his adorations, unto Sankara, and said these wordsfor the benefit of the universe,
“‘Duryodhana said, “Listen, once more, O ruler of the Madras, to what Iwill say unto thee, about what happened, O lord, in the battle betweenthe gods and the Asuras in days of yore.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Thy son then, O monarch, humbly approaching that mightycar-warrior, viz., the ruler of the Madras, addressed him, fromaffection, in these words, “O thou of true vows, O thou of great goodfortune,
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘It seems that Arjuna slew all of you at his will.Indeed, the Destroyer himself could not escape him in battle, if Arjunatook up arms against Him.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Placing Karna at their van, thy warriors, difficult ofdefeat in fight, returned and fought (with the foe) a battle thatresembled that between the gods and the Asuras.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘I have heard from thee, O Sanjaya, of many poignantand unbearable griefs as also of the losses sustained by my sons.
“Sanjaya said, ‘King Duryodhana, O monarch, himself fearlessly receivedYudhishthira, as the latter was engaged in shooting large numbers ofshafts.
“Sanjaya said, ‘The white steeded (Arjuna) also, O monarch, routed thyforce even as the winds, approaching a heap of cotton, scatters it on allsides.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Kripa, O king, resisted Dhrishtadyumna in battle, like aSarabha in the forest resisting a proud lion.