Chapter 160
“Sanjaya said, ‘During the progress of that fierce and terrible battle,when the world was enveloped with darkness and dust, O king, thecombatants, as they stood on the field, could not see one another.
“Sanjaya said, ‘During the progress of that fierce and terrible battle,when the world was enveloped with darkness and dust, O king, thecombatants, as they stood on the field, could not see one another.
“Sanjaya said, ‘When the field of battle which had before been envelopedin darkness and dust had thus become illuminated, heroic warriorsencountered one another, desirous of taking one another’s life.[218]
“Sanjaya said, ‘During the progress of that terrible nocturnalengagement, O king, which was fraught with an indiscriminate carnage,Dharma’s son Yudhishthira, addressed the Pandavas, the Panchalas, and theSomakas.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Bhuri, O king, in that battle, resisted that foremost ofcar-warriors, viz., the grandson of Sini, who advanced like an elephanttowards a lake full of water.
‘Sanjaya said, ‘Karna, the son of Vikartana,[222] O king, resisted themighty car-warrior Sahadeva in that battle, who advanced from desire ofgetting at Drona.
“Sanjaya said, ‘The ruler of the Madras shrouded on all sides, withclouds of shafts, Virata with his troops, who was proceeding quickly forgetting at Drona.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Thy son, Chitrasena, O Bharata, resisted (Nakula’s son)Satanika who was engaged in scorching thy host with his keen shafts.Nakula’s son pierced Chitrasena with five arrows.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Against Nakula who was engaged in smiting thy host,Suvala’s son (Sakuni) in wrath, rushed with great impetuosity andaddressing him, said,
“Sanjaya said, ‘In that fierce and terrible battle, Dhrishtadyumna, Oking, proceeded against Drona.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Then all those kings of thy army, incapable of beingeasily defeated in battle, angrily proceeded against Yuyudhana’s car,unable to brook (his feats).