Chapter 120
“Sanjaya said, ‘Meanwhile, O king, Duhsasana rushed against the grandsonof Sini, scattering thousands of shafts like a mighty cloud pouringtorrents of rain.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Meanwhile, O king, Duhsasana rushed against the grandsonof Sini, scattering thousands of shafts like a mighty cloud pouringtorrents of rain.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘Were there, O Sanjaya, no mighty car-warriors inthat army of mine who could slay or resist that Satyaki while heproceeded (towards Arjuna)?
“Sanjaya said, ‘In the afternoon of that day, O king, a dreadful battle,characterised by roars, deep as those of the clouds, once more occurredbetween Drona and the Somakas.
“Sanjaya said, ‘When the army of the Pandavas was thus agitated on allsides, the Parthas and the Panchalas and the Somakas, retreated to agreat distance.
“Bhima said, That car which formerly bore Brahma and Isana and Indra andVaruna (to battle), mounting upon that car, have two Krishnas gone. Theycan have no fear of danger, Taking, however, thy command on MY head, lo,I am going. Do not grieve. Meeting with those tigers among men, I shallsend thee intelligence.’
“Sanjaya said, ‘After the son of Pandu had crossed that car-force, thepreceptor Drona, smiling the while, covered him with showers of arrows,desirous of checking his course.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘While mighty Bhimasena was uttering those loudshouts deep as the roar of the clouds or peals of thunder, what heroes(of our side) surrounded him?
-Sanjaya said, ‘After that army had (thus) been routed, and Arjuna andBhimasena had all gone after the ruler of the Sindhus, thy son(Duryodhana) proceeded towards Drona.
“Sanjaya said, ‘Then the carless Karna, thus once more completelydefeated by Bhima, mounted another car and speedily began to pierce theson of Pandu.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘I think, Destiny is supreme. Fie on exertion whichis useless, inasmuch as the son of Adhiratha, though fighting resolutely,could not vanquish the son of Pandu.