Chapter 81
Sanjaya said, “Then those heroes, O king, who cherished feelings ofhostility towards one another, retired to their tents, their personscovered with blood.
Sanjaya said, “Then those heroes, O king, who cherished feelings ofhostility towards one another, retired to their tents, their personscovered with blood.
Sanjaya said, “O chief of the Bharatas, Ganga’s son, once more addressingthy son who was plunged in thought, told him these delightful words,’Myself and
Sanjaya said, “And when the battle was thus raging and after Susarman hadceased fighting, and the (other) heroic warriors (of the Kuru army) hadbeen routed by the high-souled son of
Dhritarashtra said, “Many and wonderful, O Sanjaya, were the singlecombats I hear thee speak of between the Pandavas and my warriors.
Sanjaya said, “Then when the sun attained the meridian, kingYudhishthira, beholding Srutayush, urged on his steeds. And the kingrushed at Srutayush, that chastiser of foes, striking him with ninestraight shafts of keen points.
Sanjaya said, “Then the mighty Dhananjaya, struck with those shafts anddrawing long breaths like a trodden snake, cut off, with great force, bymeans of his successive shafts, the bows of those mighty car-warriors.
Sanjaya said,–“Approaching then thy son Chitrasena of great energy whohad thus been deprived of his car, thy son Vikarna caused him to mount onhis car.
Sanjaya said, “Having passed the night in sound steep, those rulers ofmen, the Kauravas and the Pandavas, once more proceeded to battle.
Sanjaya said, “The Pandavas were incapable of even looking at Bhishmaexcited with rage in battle and scorching every side like the Sun himselfshedding scorching heat.
Dhritarashtra said, “Beholding my sons, so many in number, O Sanjaya,slain by a single person, what did Bhishma and Drona and Kripa do inbattle?[432] Day after day, O Sanjaya, my sons are being slain.