Chapter 284
“Markandeya said, “Then Prahasta, suddenly advancing up to Vibhishana anduttering a loud yell, struck him with his mace.
“Markandeya said, “Then Prahasta, suddenly advancing up to Vibhishana anduttering a loud yell, struck him with his mace.
“Markandeya said, ‘And while those troops (thus withdrawn) were reposingthemselves in their quarters, many little Rakshasas and Pisachas owningRavana as their leader, penetrated amongst them.
“Markandeya said, ‘Having quartered his army in those groves aboundingwith food and water and with fruits and roots, the descendant ofKakutstha began to watch over them with care.
“Markandeya said, ‘It was on the breast of that very hill where Rama wasseated with those foremost of monkeys that great monkey chiefs at thecommand of Sugriva, began to flock together.
“Markandeya said, ‘Meanwhile the illustrious descendant of Raghu, alongwith his brother, hospitably treated by Sugriva, continued to dwell onthe breast of the Malyavat hill, beholding every day the clear blue sky.
“Markandeya said, ‘And while the chaste Sita was dwelling there afflictedwith melancholy and grief on account of her lord, attired in mean garb,with but a single jewel (on the marital thread on her wrist), andincessantly weeping, seated on a stone, and waited upon by
“Markandeya said, ‘Afflicted with grief at the abduction of Sita, Ramahad not to go much further before he came upon Pampa–that lake whichabounded with lotuses of various kinds.
“Markandeya said, ‘That heroic king of the vultures, Jatayu, havingSampati for his uterine brother and Arjuna himself for his father, was afriend of Dasaratha.
“Markandeya said, ‘Beholding Ravana come, Maricha received him with arespectful welcome, and offered him fruits and roots.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O adorable one, thou hast described to me in detailthe history of the birth of Rama and others. I wish to learn the cause oftheir exile. Do thou, O Brahmana, relate why the sons of Dasaratha–thebrothers Rama and Lakshmana–went to the forest with famous princess ofMithila.’