Chapter 84
“Pulastya said, ‘Then, O great king, one should proceed to the excellenttirtha of Dharma, where the illustrious god of justice had practisedhighly meritorious austerities.
“Pulastya said, ‘Then, O great king, one should proceed to the excellenttirtha of Dharma, where the illustrious god of justice had practisedhighly meritorious austerities.
“Pulastya said, ‘One should next proceed, O king, to the adoredKurukshetra at sight of which all creatures are freed from their sins. Heis freed from all sins who constantly sayeth, ‘I will live inKurukshetra.’
“Pulastya said, ‘O thou of excellent vows, I have been much gratifiedwith thy humility, thy self-control, and thy truth, thou blessed oneversed in morality!
Vaisampayana said, “Hearing these words of his brothers as also ofKrishna, all of whom were anxious on account of Dhananjaya, kingYudhishthira, the just, became melancholy.
Janamejaya said, “O holy one, after my great-grandfather Partha had goneaway from the woods of Kamyaka, what did the sons of Pandu do in theabsence of that hero capable of drawing the bow with his left hand?
“Vrihadaswa said, ‘After the festivities had commenced in the city thatwas full of joy and without anxiety of any kind, the king with a largeforce brought Damayanti (from her father’s home).
“Vrihadaswa said, ‘O son of Kunti, the ruler of the Nishadhas havingdwelt there for a month, set out from that city with Bhima’s permissionand accompanied by only a few (followers) for the country of theNishadhas.
“Vrihadaswa said, ‘Having passed that night, king Nala decked inornaments and with Damayanti by his side, presented himself in due timebefore the king.
“Vrihadaswa said, ‘Beholding the agitation of the virtuous and wise Nala,Kesini returned unto Damayanti and related everything unto her.
“Vrihadaswa said, ‘Hearing everything, Damayanti became oppressed withgrief, and suspecting the person to be Nala, said unto Kesini, ‘O Kesini,go thou again, and examine Vahuka, and staying in silence at his sidemark thou his conduct.