Chapter 165
Vaisampayana said, “Then when the night had been spent, Dhananjaya,together with his brothers, paid homage unto Yudhishthira the just.
Vaisampayana said, “Then when the night had been spent, Dhananjaya,together with his brothers, paid homage unto Yudhishthira the just.
Vaisampayana continued, “And it came to pass that once a day as thosemighty charioteers were thinking of Arjuna, seeing Mahendra’s car, yokedwith horses of the effulgence of lightning, arrive all on a sudden,
Vaisampayana continued, “Dwelling in that best of mountains thosehigh-souled ones observing excellent vows, felt themselves attracted (tothat place), and diverted themselves, eager to behold Arjuna.
Vaisampayana continued, “Then, O represser of foes, at sunrise, havingfinished his daily devotions, Dhaumya came unto the Pandavas, withArshtishena.
“Lomasa said, ‘O son of Bharata’s race! If mortals breathe their last atthis spot, they go to heaven. O king! Thousands upon thousands of mencome to this place to die.
“The lord of treasures said, ‘O Yudhishthira, patience, ability,(appropriate) time and place and prowess–these five lead to success inhuman affairs. O Bharata, in the Krita Yuga, men were patient and able intheir respective occupations and they knew how to display prowess.
“Lomasa said, ‘Here, O king! The lord of born beings himself performed asacrifice in former times,–the ceremony called Ishtikrita, whichoccupied one thousand years.
Vaisampayana said, “Hearing various sounds resounding in the caves of themountain and not seeing Bhimasena, Kunti’s son, Ajatasatru and the twinsons of Madri and Dhaumya and Krishna and all the Brahmanas and thefriends (of the Pandavas), were filled with anxiety.
“Somaka said, ‘O Brahmana! whatever is to be performed–do precisely asit may be necessary. As I am desirous of having a number of sons, I shalldo all that may be prescribed by thee.”
Janamejaya said, “How long did my great grandsires, the highsouled sonsof Pandu of matchless prowess, dwell in the Gandhamadana mountain? Andwhat did those exceedingly powerful ones, gifted with manliness, do?