Chapter 185
“Markandeya continued, ‘O thou conqueror of hostile cities, in thisconnection Saraswati too, when interrogated by that intelligent MuniTarkshya, had said (this). Do thou listen to her words!
“Markandeya continued, ‘O thou conqueror of hostile cities, in thisconnection Saraswati too, when interrogated by that intelligent MuniTarkshya, had said (this). Do thou listen to her words!
“Markandeya continued, ‘Do ye again hear from me the glory of theBrahmanas! It is said that a royal sage of the name of Vainya was onceengaged in performing the horse-sacrifice and that Atri desired to go tohim for alms.
Vaisampayana continued,–“The sons of Pandu said to the high-souledMarkandeya, ‘We long to hear of the greatness of the Brahmanas Do thoutell us of it!’
Vaisampayana said, “O son of Kuru, they, Yudhishthira and others, havingreached the forest of Kamyaka, were, hospitably received by hosts ofsaints and they lived together with Krishna.
Vaisampayana said, “While they were dwelling at that place, there set inthe season of the rains, the season that puts an end to the hot weatherand is delightful to all animated beings.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘In this world, you are so learned in the Vedas andVedangas; tell me (then), what one should do to attain salvation?’
Vaisampayana continued, “Yudhishthira, finding his beloved brother coiledby the body of the serpent, said these words: ‘O son of Kunti, how hastthou come by this misfortune!
Vaisampayana continued, “And the powerful Bhimasena, having thus comeunder the power of the snake, thought of its mighty and wonderfulprowess; and said unto it, ‘Be thou pleased to tell me, O snake, who thouart.
Janamejaya said, “How was it, O sage! that Bhima, of mighty prowess andpossessing the strength of ten thousand elephants, was stricken withpanic at (the sight of) that snake?
Vaisampayana said, “When they had left their happy home in the beautifulmountain abounding in cascades, and having birds,