Chapter 205
“Markandeya said, ‘There was, O Bharata, a virtuous ascetic of the nameof Kausika and endued with wealth of asceticism and devoted to the studyof the Vedas, he was a very superior Brahmana and that best of Brahmanasstudied all the
“Markandeya said, ‘There was, O Bharata, a virtuous ascetic of the nameof Kausika and endued with wealth of asceticism and devoted to the studyof the Vedas, he was a very superior Brahmana and that best of Brahmanasstudied all the
Vaisampayana said, “O thou foremost of the Bharata race, king Yudhisthirathen asked the illustrious Markandeya a difficult question aboutmorality, saying, ‘I desire to hear, O holy one, about the high andexcellent virtue of women.
“Markandeya said, ‘The illustrious Dhundhu, O king, was the son of Madhuand Kaitabha, and possessed of great energy and prowess, he underwentascetic
“Markandeya said, ‘Thus addressed by Utanka, that unvanquished royalsage, with joined hands, O thou foremost of the Kuru race, replied untoUtanka, saying, ‘This visit of thine, O Brahmana, will not be in vain.
Markandeya said, “O king, after the death of Ikshvaku, a highly virtuousking of the name of Sasada, ascending the throne of Ayodhya ruled thisearth. And from Sasada was descended Kakutstha of great energy.
Vaisampayana said, “Having, O great king, heard from the illustriousMarkandeya the history of the attainment of heaven by the royal
Vaisampayana said, “King Yudhishthira, hearing from the illustriousMarkandeya the story of the royal sage Indradyumna’s regaining of Heaven,again asked the Muni, saying, ‘O great Muni, tell me in what conditionshould a man practise charity in order to gain admission into the regionsof Indra?
Vaisampayana said, “The sons of Pandu and those Rishis then askedMarkandeya, ‘Is there anybody that is blessed with longer life thanthou?’
Vaisampayana said, “And the son of Pandu once more addressed Markandeya,saying, ‘Tell us again of the great good fortune of kings.’ AndMarkandeya said, ‘There came unto the horse-sacrifice of king Ashtaka ofViswamitra’s race, many kings.
“Markandeya said, ‘One day it was resolved by the gods that they shoulddescend on the earth and try the goodness and virtue of king Sivi, theson of Usinara. And addressing each other,–‘Well’–Agni and Indra cameto the earth.