Chapter 215
“The fowler continued, ‘Thus cursed by that rishi, I sought to propitiatehim with these words: ‘Pardon me, O muni, I have done this wicked deedunwittingly.
“The fowler continued, ‘Thus cursed by that rishi, I sought to propitiatehim with these words: ‘Pardon me, O muni, I have done this wicked deedunwittingly.
“Markandeya continued, ‘The virtuous fowler, having introduced his (both)parents to that Brahmana as his highest gurus, again spoke to him asfollows, ‘Mark thou the power of this virtue of mine, by which my innerspiritual vision is extended.
“Markandeya said, ‘When, O Yudhishthira, all this mystery of salvationwas explained to that Brahmana, he was highly pleased and he saidaddressing the fowler,
“The Brahmana enquired, ‘How is it that fire (vital force) in combinationwith the earthly element (matter), becomes the corporeal tenement (ofliving creatures), and how doth the vital air (the breath of life)according to
Markandeya continued, “O Bharata, the fowler having expounded theseabstruse points, the Brahmana with great attention again enquired of himabout these subtle topics.
“Markandeya continued, ‘O Bharata, the Brahmana, thus interrogated by thevirtuous fowler, resumed again this discourse so pleasing to the mind.
“Markandeya continued, ‘Hear, O king Yudhishthira what the virtuousfowler, thus interrogated by that Brahmana, said to him in reply. Thefowler said, ‘Men’s minds are at first bent on the acquisition ofknowledge.
Markandeya continued, “O Yudhishthira, the virtuous fowler, eminent inpity, then skilfully addressed himself again to that foremost ofBrahmanas, saying,
“Markandeya continued, ‘The pious fowler, O Yudhishthira, then said tothat Brahmana, ‘Undoubtedly my deeds are very cruel, but, O Brahmana,Destiny is all-powerful and it is difficult to evade the consequence ofour past actions.
“Markandeya said, ‘Continually reflecting upon that wonderful discourseof the woman, Kausika began to reproach himself and looked very much likea guilty person and meditating on the subtle ways of morality and virtue,he said to himself,