Chapter 264
Vaisampayana continued, “The princess Draupadi, thus questioned by thatornament of Sivi’s race, moved her eyes gently, and letting go her holdof the Kadamva blanch and arranging her silken apparel she said,
Vaisampayana continued, “The princess Draupadi, thus questioned by thatornament of Sivi’s race, moved her eyes gently, and letting go her holdof the Kadamva blanch and arranging her silken apparel she said,
Kotika said, “Excellent lady, who art thou that standest alone, leaningon a branch of the Kadamva tree at this hermitage and looking grand likea flame of fire blazing at night time, and fanned by the wind?Exquisitely beautiful as thou art, how is it that thou feelest not anyfear in these forests?
Vaisampayana said, “These great warriors of the race of Bharata sojournedlike immortals in the great forest of Kamyaka, employed in hunting andpleased with the sight of numerous wild tracts of country and widereaches of woodland, gorgeous with flowers blossoming in season.
Vaisampayana said, “One day, having previously ascertained that thePandavas were all seated at their ease and that Krishna was reposingherself after her meal, the sage Durvasa, surrounded by ten thousanddisciples repaired to that forest.
Janamejaya said, “While the high-souled Pandavas were living in thosewoods, delighted with the pleasant conversation they held with the Munis,and engaged in distributing the food they obtained from the sun, withvarious kinds of venison to
“The messenger of the gods said, ‘O great sage, thou art of simpleunderstanding; since, having secured that celestial bliss which bringethgreat honour, thou art still deliberating like an unwise person.
Yudhishthira said, “Why did that high-souled one give away a drona ofcorn? And, O eminently pious one, to whom and in what prescribed way didhe give it? Do thou tell me this.
Vaisampayana continued, “Dwelling in the woods, O bull of the Bharatarace, the high-souled Pandavas spent one and ten years in a miserableplight.
Janamejaya said, ‘After having delivered Duryodhana, what did the mightysons of Pandu do in that forest? It behoveth thee to tell me this.’
Vaisampayana said, “While, O great king, Duryodhana was entering (thecity), the panegyrists eulogized the prince of unfailing prowess. Andothers also eulogized that mighty bowman and foremost of kings.