“Dhaumya continued, ‘Listen, O Bharata, I shall now narrate to thee indetail according to my knowledge, the sacred tirthas of the south. Inthat quarter lieth the sacred and auspicious river Godavari, full ofwater abounding in groves and frequented by ascetics.
“Dhaumya continued, ‘I shall describe to thee those sacred spots capableof producing merit that lie on the west, in the country of the Anarttas,O Bharata, there, flows in a westward course the sacred river Narmada,graced by Priyangu and mango trees, and engarlanded with thickest ofcanes.
“Dhritarashtra said, ‘O holy one, I did not like this business ofgambling, but, O Muni, I think, I was made to consent to it drawn byfate! Neither Bhishma, nor Drona, nor Vidura, nor Gandhari liked thisgame at dice. No doubt, it was begot of folly. And, O thou who delightestin the observance of vows, O illustrious one, knowing everything yetinfluenced by paternal affection, I am unable to cast off my senselessson, Duryodhana!’
“Dhaumya continued, ‘O tiger among kings, I shall now describe thosetirthas and sacred spots that lie to the north. Do thou, O exalted one,listen to me attentively.
Vaisampayana continued, “O son of the Kuru race, while Dhaumya wasspeaking thus, there arrived at the spot the Rishi Lomasa of greatenergy.
“Lomasa continued, ‘Listen now, O Yudhishthira, to what Dhananjaya hathsaid: ‘Cause my brother Yudhishthira to attend to the practice of virtuewhich leadeth to prosperity.
Vaisampayana said, “Those Brahmanas then, that had been dwelling (withhim) in the woods, beholding the son of Kunti about to set out (on thepious pilgrimage), approached him, O king, and said, ‘Thou art about toset out, O king, on thy journey to the sacred tirthas, along with thybrothers and accompanied by the illustrious Rishi Lomasa.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘O best of celestial Rishis, I do not think that I amwithout merits. Yet am I afflicted with so much sorrow that there neverwas a king like me. I think, however, that my enemies are destitute ofgood qualities and even destitute of morality. Yet why, O Lomasa, do theyprosper in this world?”
Vaisampayana said, “The heroic sons of Pandu, accompanied by theirfollowers, proceeding from place to place, at last arrived at Naimisha.
Vaisampayana said, “After this the royal son of Kunti who was everdistinguished for his profuse gifts unto Brahmanas, proceeded to theasylum of Agastya and took up his abode in Durjaya.
“Lomasa continued, ‘When Agastya thought that girl to be competent forthe duties of domesticity, he approached that lord of earth-the ruler ofVidharbhas-and addressing him, said, ‘I solicit thee, O king, to bestowthy daughter Lopamudra on me.’ Thus addressed by the Muni, the king ofthe Vidharbhas swooned away.
“Lomasa continued, ‘Agastya then, O son of the Kuru race, went to kingSrutarvan who was regarded as richer than other kings, to beg for wealth.
“Lomasa said, ‘When Ilwala learnt that those kings along with the greatRishi had arrived on the confines of his domain, he went out with hisministers and worshipped them duly.