Chapter 94
“Vamadeva said, ‘The king should win victories without battles. Victoriesachieved by battles are not spoken of highly. O monarch, by the wise.When the sovereign’s own power has not been confirmed, he should not seekto make new acquisitions. It is not proper that a king whose power hasnot been consolidated should seek to make such acquisitions. The power ofthat king whose dominions are wide and abound with wealth, whose subjectsare loyal and contented, and who has a large number of officers, is saidto be confirmed. That king whose soldiery are contented, gratified (withpay and prize), and competent to deceive foes can with even a small forcesubjugate the whole earth. The power of that king whose subjects, whetherbelonging to the cities or the provinces, have compassion for allcreatures, and possessed of wealth and grain, is said to be confirmed.When the king thinks that his power is greater than that of a foe, heshould then, aided by his intelligence, seek to acquire the latter’sterritories and wealth. A king whose resources are increasing, who iscompassionate unto all creatures, who never loses any time byprocrastination, and who is careful in protecting, his own self, succeedsin earning advancement. That king who behaves deceitfully towards his ownpeople that have not been guilty of any fault, shears his own self like aperson cutting down a forest with an axe. If the king does not alwaysattend to the task of slaying his foes, the latter do not diminish. Thatking, again, who knows how to kill his own temper finds no enemies. Ifthe king be possessed of wisdom, he would never do any act that isdisapproved by good men. He would, on the other hand, always engagehimself in such acts as would lead to his own benefit and that of others.That king who, having accomplished all his duties, becomes happy in theapprobation of his own conscience, has never to incur the reproach ofothers and indulge in regrets. That king who observes such conducttowards men succeeds in subjugating both the worlds and enjoy the fruitsof victory.’
“Bhishma continued, ‘Thus addressed by Vamadeva, king Vasumana did as hewas directed. Without doubt, thyself also, following these counsels,shalt succeed in conquering both the worlds.'”