Chapter 34
“Yudhishthira said, ‘After doing what acts does a man become liable toperform expiation? And what are those acts which he must do for beingfreed from sin? Tell me this, O grandsire.’
“Vyasa said, ‘Having omitted to do those acts that have been ordained,and done those that have been interdicted, and having behaveddeceitfully, a man becomes liable to perform expiation. The person in theobservance of the Brahmacharya vow, who rises from bed after the sun hasrisen or goes to bed while the sun is setting, one who has a rotten nailor black teeth, one whose younger brother weds first, one who weds beforehis elder brother is wedded, one who has been guilty of the slaughter ofa Brahmana, one who speaks ill of others, one who weds a younger sisterbefore the elder sister has been wedded, one who weds an elder sisterafter having wedded a younger one, one who falls away from a vow, one whoslays any one of the regenerate classes, one who imparts a knowledge ofthe Vedas to a person unworthy of it, one who does not impart a knowledgethereof to a person that is worthy of it, one who takes many lives, onewho sells flesh, one who has abandoned his (sacred) fire, one who sells aknowledge of the Vedas,[111] one who slays his preceptor or a woman, oneborn in a sinful family, one who slays an animal wilfully,[112] one whosets fire to a dwelling house, one who lives by deceit, one who acts inopposition to his preceptor, and one who has violated a compact,–theseall are guilty of sins requiring expiation. I shall now mention otheracts that men should not do, viz., acts that are interdicted by both theworld and the Vedas. Listen to me with concentrated attention. Therejection of one’s own creed, the practice of other people’s creed,assisting at the sacrifice or the religious rites of one that is notworthy of such assistance, eating of food that is forbidden, desertingone that craves protection, neglect in maintaining servants anddependants, selling salt and treacle (and similar other substances),killing of birds and animals, refusal, though competent, to procreateupon a soliciting woman, omission to present the daily gifts (of handfulsof grass to kine and the like), omission to present the dakshina,humiliating a Brahmana,–these all have been pronounced by personsconversant with duty to be acts that no one should do. The son thatquarrels with the father, the person that violates the bed of hispreceptor, one that neglects to produce offspring in one’s wedded wife,are all sinful, O tiger among men! I have now declared to thee, in briefas also in detail, those acts and omissions by which a man becomes liableto perform expiation. Listen now to the circumstances under which men, byeven committing these acts, do not become stained with sin. If a Brahmanawell acquainted with the Vedas takes up arms and rushes against thee inbattle for killing thee, thou mayst proceed against him for taking hislife. By such an act the slayer does not become guilty of the slaughterof a Brahmana.[113] There is a mantra in the Vedas, O son of Kunti, thatlays this down, I declare unto thee only those practices that aresanctioned by the authority of the Vedas. One who slays a Brahmana thathas fallen away from his own duties and that advances, weapon in hand,with intent to slaughter, does not truly become the slayer of a Brahmana.In such a case it is the wrath of the slayer that proceeds against thewrath of the slain. A person by drinking alcoholic stimulants inignorance or upon the advice of a virtuous physician when his life is atperil, should have the regenerating ceremonies performed once more in hiscase. All that I have told thee, O son of Kunti, about the eating ofinterdicted food, may be cleansed by such expiatory rites. Connectionwith the preceptor’s wife at the preceptor’s command does not stain thepupil. The sage Uddalaka caused his son Swetaketu to be begotten by adisciple. A person by committing theft for the sake of his preceptor in aseason of distress is not stained with sin. One, however, that takes tothieving for procuring enjoyments for himself becomes stained. One is notstained by stealing from other than Brahmanas (in a season of distressand for the sake of one’s preceptor). Only one that steals under suchcircumstances without himself appropriating any portion thereof isuntouched by sin. A falsehood may be spoken for saving one’s own life orthat of another, or for the sake of one’s preceptor, or for gratifying awoman, or for bringing about a marriage. One’s vow of Brahmacharya is notbroken by having wet dreams. In such cases the expiation laid downconsists in the pouring of libations of clarified butter on the blazingfire. If the elder brother be fallen or has renounced the world, theyounger brother does not incur sin by marrying. Solicited by a woman,connection with her is not destructive of virtue. One should not slay orcause to be slain an animal except in a sacrifice. Animals have becomesacred (fit for sacrifice) through the kindness manifested towards themby the Creator himself in the ordinance laid down by him. By making agift in ignorance to an undeserving Brahmana one does not incur sin. Theomission (through ignorance) to behave with liberality towards adeserving person does not lead to sin. By casting off an adulterous wifeone does not incur sin. By such treatment the woman herself may be purgedwhile the husband may avoid sin. One who knows the true use of the Somajuice, does not incur sin by selling it.[114] By dismissing a servant whois incompetent to render service one is not touched by sin. I have nowsaid unto thee those acts by doing which one does not incur sin. I shallnow speak to thee of expiation in detail.'”