Chapter 172

“Bhishma said, ‘There, under that banian, for the protection of hisguest, the prince of birds had kindled and kept up a fire with high andblazing flames.[496] On one side of the fire, the bird slept trustfully.The ungrateful and wicked-souled wretch prepared to slay his sleepinghost. With the aid of that blazing fire he killed the trustful bird, andhaving despatched him, became filled with delight, never thinking therewas sin in what he did. Peeling off the feathers and the down, he roastedthe flesh on that fire. Then taking it up with the gold he had brought,the Brahmana Red quickly from that spot. The next day, the Rakshasa king,Virupaksha, addressing his son, said, ‘Alas, O son, I do not beholdRajadharman, that best of birds, today. Every morning he repairs to theregions of Brahman for adoring the Grandsire. While returning, he nevergoes home without paying me a visit. These two mornings and two nightshave passed away without his having come to my abode. My mind, therefore,is not in peace. Let my friend be enquired after. Gautama, who came here,is without Vedic studies and destitute of Brahmanic splendour. He hasfound his way to the abode of my friend. I greatly fear, that worst ofBrahmanas has slain Rajadharman. Of evil practices and wickedunderstanding, I read him through by the signs he showed. Withoutcompassion, of cruel and grim visage, and wicked, that vilest of men islike a robber. That Gautama has gone to the abode of my friend. For thisreason, my heart has become extremely anxious. O son, proceeding hencewith great speed to the abode of Rajadharman, ascertain whether thatpure-souled bird is still alive. Do not tarry.’ Thus addressed by hissire, the prince, accompanied by other Rakshasas, proceeded with greatspeed. Arrived at the foot of that banian, he saw the remains ofRajadharman. Weeping with grief, the son of the intelligent king of theRakshasas, ran with great speed and to the utmost of his power, forseizing Gautama. The Rakshasas had not to go far when they succeeded incatching the Brahmana and discovering the body of Rajadharman destituteof wings, bones, and feet. Taking the captive with them, the Rakshasasreturned with great speed to Meruvraja, and showed the king the mutilatedbody of Rajadharman, and that ungrateful and singing wretch, viz.,Gautama. Beholding the remains of his friend the king, with hiscounsellors and priest, began to weep aloud. Indeed, loud was the voiceof lamentation that was heard in his abode. The entire city of theRakshasa king, men, women, and children, became plunged in woe. The kingthen addressed his son saying, ‘Let this sinful wretch be slain. Letthese Rakshasas here feast merrily on his flesh. Of sinful deeds, ofsinful habits, of sinful soul, and inured to sin, this wretch, I think,should be slain by you.’ Thus addressed by the Rakshasa king, manyRakshasas of terrible prowess expressed their unwillingness to eat theflesh of that sinner. Indeed, those wanderers of the night, addressingtheir king, said, ‘Let this vilest of men be given away to the robbers.’Bending their heads to their king, they told him so, adding, ‘It behoveththee not to give us this sinful wretch for our food.’ The king said untothem, ‘Let it be so! Let this ungrateful wight be given to the robbersthen without delay.’ Thus addressed by him, the Rakshasas armed withlances and battle-axes, hacked that vile wretch into pieces and gave themaway to the robbers. It so happened, however, that the very robbersrefused to eat the flesh of that vile man. Though cannibals, O monarch,they would not eat an ungrateful person. For one that slays a Brahmana,for one that drinks alcohol, for one that steals, for one that has fallenaway from a vow, there is expiation, O king. But there is no expiationfor an ungrateful person. That cruel and vile man who injures a friendand becomes ungrateful, is not eaten by the very cannibals nor by theworms that feed on carrion.’