Chapter 164

“Yudhishthira said, ‘I know what benevolence is, in consequence of myobservation of persons that are good. I do not, however, know them thatare malevolent, nor the nature of their acts, O Bharata. Indeed, peopleavoid malevolent persons of cruel deeds even as they avoid thorns andpitfalls and fire. It is evident, O Bharata, that he who is malevolent issure to burn (with misery) both here and hereafter. Therefore, O thou ofKuru’s race, tell me what, in truth, the acts of such a person are.’
“Bhishma said, ‘Malevolent persons always do wicked acts and feel anirresistible inclination for doing them. They slander others and incurobloquy themselves. They always regard themselves as cheated of what istheir due. A malevolent person brags of his own acts of charity. He seesothers with malicious eyes. He is very mean. He is deceitful, and full ofcunning. He never gives others their dues. He is arrogant. He keeps evilcompany and is always boastful. He fears and suspects all with whom hecomes into contact. He is of foolish understanding. He practisesmiserliness. He praises his associates. He cherishes an inordinateaversion and hatred for all recluses who have retired into the woods. Hetakes delight in injuring others. He is utterly regardless ofdistinguishing the merits and faults of others. He is full of lies. He isdiscontented. He is exceedingly covetous, and always acts cruelly. Such aperson regards a virtuous and accomplished man as a pest, and thinkingeverybody else to be like himself never trusts any one. Such a personproclaims the faults of other people however unsuspected those faultsmight viz. With regard to such faults, however, as similar to those thatstain his own self, he does not refer to them even remotely, for the sakeof the advantage he reaps from them. He regards the person that does himgood as a simpleton whom he has cleverly deceived. He is filled withregret for having at any time made any gift of wealth even unto abenefactor. Know him for a malevolent and wicked person who quietly andalone takes comestibles and drinks and other kinds of food that areregarded choice, even when persons are standing by with wishful eyes. Heon the other hand, who dedicates the first portion to Brahmanas and takeswhat remains, dividing it with friends and kinsmen, attains to greatfelicity in the next world and infinite happiness here. I have now, Ochief of the Bharatas, said unto thee what the indications are of thewicked and malevolent man. Such a person should always be avoided by aman of wisdom.'”