Chapter 13

“Sahadeva said, ‘By casting off all external objects only, O Bharata, onedoes not attain to success. By casting off even mental attachments, theattainment of success is doubtful.[29] Let that religious merit and thathappiness which are his who has cast off external objects but whose mindstill internally covets them, be the portion of our foes! On the otherhand, let that religious merit and that happiness which are his whogoverns the earth, having cast off all internal attachments also, be theportion of our friends. The word mama (mine), consisting of two letters,is Death’s self; white the opposite word na-mama (not mine), consistingof three letters, is eternal Brahma.[30] Brahma and death, O king,entering invisibly into every soul, without doubt, cause all creatures toact. If this being, O Bharata, that is called Soul, be not ever subjectto destruction, then by destroying the bodies of creatures one cannot beguilty of slaughter. If, on the other hand, the soul and the body of abeing are born or destroyed together, so that when the body is destroyedthe soul also is destroyed, then the way (prescribed in the scriptures)of rites and acts would be futile. Therefore, driving away all doubtsabout the immortality of the soul, the man of intelligence should adoptthat path which has been trodden by the righteous of old and older times.The life of that king is certainly fruitless who having acquired theentire earth with her mobile and immobile creatures, does not enjoy her.As regards the man again who lives in the forest upon wild fruits androots, but whose attachment to things of the earth has not ceased, such aone, O king, lives within the jaws of Death. Behold, O Bharata, thehearts and the outward forms of all creatures to be but manifestations ofthy own. They that look upon all creatures as their own selves escapefrom the great fear (of destruction).[31] Thou art my sire, thou art myprotector, thou art my brother, and thou art my senior and preceptor. Itbehoveth thee, therefore, to forgive these incoherent utterances insorrow of a woe-stricken person. True or false, this that has beenuttered by are, O lord of earth, has been uttered from a due regard forthee, O best of Bharatas, that I entertain!”