अध्याय 55
1 [ज]
उत्तङ्कः केन तपसा संयुक्तः सुमहातपाः
यः शापं दातुकामॊ ऽभूद विष्णवे परभविष्णवे
Vaisampayana said, “After this, Arjuna once more addressed his eldestbrother of unfading glory, viz., king Yudhishthira of cheerless heart,and said these words:
Dhritarashtra said,–“When that great bowman Sweta proceeded towardsSalya’s car, what did the Kauravas and the Pandavas do, O Sanjaya? Andwhat also did Bhishma the son of Santanu do? Tell me who ask thee, allthis.”
1 [सम्जय]
यथार्हसे पाण्डव तत तथैव; कुरून कुरुश्रेष्ठ जनं च पृच्छसि
अनामयास तात मनस्विनस ते; कुरुश्रेष्ठान पृच्छसि पार्थ यांस तवम
“Markandeya said, ‘Meanwhile the mighty Dyumatsena, having regained hissight, could see everything. And when his vision grew clear he saweverything around him.
जोधपुर के महाराजा जसवंत सिंह की मृत्यु के बाद बादशाह औरंगजेब जोधपुर को हड़पना चाहता था लेकिन जसवंत सिंह के मंत्री दुर्गादास राठौर ने औरंगजेब की कोई भी चाल कामयाब नहीं होने दी। जसवंत सिंह के पुत्र राजकुमार अजीत सिंह को जोधपुर की गद्दी पर बिठाने के लिए दुर्गादास ने मुगल सेना से डटकर युद्ध किया। दुर्गादास ने भी कभी हार नहीं मानी।
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Tell me, O grandsire, what reply was given by eitherthe Brahmana or the monarch to Virupa after the conclusion of thelatter’s speech.
“Yudhishthira said, ‘What are the fruits of the yoga represented byKnowledge, of all the Vedas, and of the (various) observances and vows?How also may the creature-soul be known? Tell us, this, O grandsire!’